Leo Hohmann writes at LewRockwell.com (abridged):
The designers of the Great Reset openly boast that under their planned new system you will “own nothing and be happy.”
Fossil fuels will be eliminated, except for in China, which gets to use them for another 30 years, per the Paris Climate Accords, which Biden signed us back onto after the previous president got us out.
If these people are successful, you will be so poor that you will be forced to rent what they call an “efficiency dwelling” from the government or some government-supported boot-licking corporate crony capitalist.
“The CDC is now legally requiring red-blooded Americans to wear face masks on all public transportation as globalists try to push the concept of ‘double-masking’ on the populace.
Since the election, the World Health Organization admits that PCR tests are not totally reliable on the first try and a second test might be needed. This corresponds with CDC’s quiet admission that it blended viral and antibody test results for its case numbers and that people can test positive on an antibody test if they have antibodies from a family of viruses that cause the common cold.”
Not only are the number of cases overblown, so are the number of deaths.
The CDC admitted months ago that only 6 percent of the people counted as having been killed by COVID died from COVID alone. The other 94 percent had at least one other co-morbidity.
Those pushing the vaccine have lied about what it will take to achieve herd immunity. At first, Dr. Anthony Fauci, perhaps the most dishonest man I have ever seen hold a government position [and that’s saying a lot], said it would take 60 percent of the population being vaccinated to achieve herd immunity. Now he’s upped that to 80 percent, He’s also now campaigning for parents to have their young children vaccinated.
This originally appeared on LeoHohmann.com.
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