You’ve read about the Great Reset here, here, here, here, here, and here. And when the world’s elite gather later this month in Davos, they’ll be talking about you. They’ll be talking about how they can change your life and improve their world. Sounds pretty awful to me.
Words that rule the Great Reset are: Climate crisis, globalism, inclusivity, equality, green energy, pandemic, and sustainability. Family is another, but not in the way you or I would define the word.
If we’ve learned anything from this pandemic, it’s that we miss our family. We miss our old life. And when a child looks up to you and asks, “when are things going to be back to normal?” You don’t have the answer. You only have a bad feeling that it may never be back to “normal.”
We of course value family. We’ve enjoyed time together. But we value family so much more when each of us can be free to choose what to do with their day—with their life—and then come home for dinner and talk about it. We want to be able to look forward to, and talk about for example, our next trip to Disney.
This isn’t happening. Not with the government at the head of the table. And not if the Great Reset works its way into the world. But you and I have a choice. We have options.
Consider, for example, how Switzerland has maintained its independence through thick and thin. The Swiss Way is a guiding light when darkness prevails. Dick Young writes of the Swiss Way “The Swiss are powerful believers in individual liberty and freedom. They believe that there is no need for a higher legal authority to check people’s initiatives.”
Want to stay in America and live the Swiss Way? Me too. Consider the “Live Free or Die” state of New Hampshire. Or Vermont. Or Maine. Not one big city among them. Don’t you think you can find your Swiss Way in America? Of course you can.
Action Line: Stick with me. We’ll think this through together and find a way forward that is YOUR WAY—the only way you deserve to live.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.
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