Paul Craig Roberts of LewRockwell reports that the digital revolution is Satan’s master weapon. Roberts writes:
Readers know that I am death on the digital revolution. I regard it as an equivalent disaster to the creation of nuclear weapons. Both can, and most likely will, destroy our lives, nuclear weapons by physically destroying us, and the digital revolution by destroying our freedom.
The digital revolution is the foundation, already in place, for the police state, and it will be a total police state far worse than the one in George Orwell’s 1984. The fact that the nerds who came up with the digital revolution were too stupid to see the consequences indicates that tech people are really not very smart. Whenever man plays God disaster results.
For the last three days I have been experiencing digital Hell. The Internet has been down for three days and there is no information. The company provides such minimum customer service that it has been difficult even to reach a robot. You have to leave a number for a call back as “all our representatives are busy helping other customers.” When the call comes you learn that there is an outage in a large area and given an estimated repair time. They put you on a message list for cell phone texts. The repair time estimates lengthened four times from August 13 into August 14 and have now ceased. The morning of the 14th a text informed me that my service was restored. It wasn’t. I called the service provider who, after a call back, eventually was able to confirm that the service was not restored. […]
Among Americans there doesn’t appear to be any awareness of what is off limits if freedom is to survive. I am convinced that whatever its advocates intend, the consequence of Artificial Intelligence is to displace humans from human functions and to commit us all to rule by tyrants. The few, tiny benefits of AI are not worth the destruction of human independence and freedom.
Yet there is no way off this road to pure Hell and the destruction of mankind.
Read more here.