In my conversations with you, you’re telling me about your food prep for the winter. You’re telling me how you’re boiling green beans and storing potatoes, how you’re drying garlic and canning tomatoes. Is there anything better than garlic and pasta with a crisp white wine or with tomato sauce and a red? Sounds pretty nice, doesn’t it? It’s all in preparation for winter—And it’s a lesson in self-reliance.
Wouldn’t it be nice if we all had the self-reliance skills of the Amish or our forefathers? In my conversations with you, you tell me how living in an old colonial home gives you the inspiration and motivation to see how well you can prepare for winter. You like thinking about how our Founders did it hundreds of years ago. It’s pretty nice how taking action brings history back to life.
Your Survival Guy loves the stories you tell me. Sure, I have a freezer full of meats and food buckets with 25-year expiration dates. But the sodium levels on the labels might put a fork in me. It’s nice, though, knowing they’re there. It gives me peace of mind. Because in times like these, when basic public safety needs are stretched thin, your survival may come down to you. Buying time is your friend.
And time is free. What you do with it can be costly. But if you commit to living a life as a compounding machine, it eases the pressure. You don’t need to save the world in a weekend. You know from experience that slow and steady wins the race. It’s all about you.
Action Line: Look at the image below and think about how small steps can be a game changer in your life. I believe in you. Let’s do this.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.
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