Originally posted on September 22, 2020. Joe Biden wants to gut the tax-benefit of 401K plans. Americans have $6.2 trillion in 401K plans with another $11 trillion in IRAs that are partly from “rolled over” 401K assets. Over 42% of American families participate in 401Ks and plans like them. What is Biden’s beef with the […]
How Prudent Was Joe Biden’s Talk of Armageddon?
It certainly doesn’t seem like appropriate Cocktail Party doomsday chatter, notes the WSJ, arguing that it also demonstrated the president’s own anxiety, “which isn’t the right message to send (Vladimir) Putin or the American people.” President Biden at a Democratic Fund Raiser: Think about it. We have not faced the prospect of Armageddon since Kennedy […]
“The Soul of the Nation”
President Joe Biden will give a prime-time address tonight, being billed as “The Soul of the Nation.” NBC News reports: The president will lay out how America’s standing in the world and its democracy are at stake, the official said. Biden will highlight what he sees as progress over the past two years to protect our […]
Why Didn’t Joe Stay at the Beach?
After a two-week vacation, Joe Biden returned from his Delaware beach vacation to announce his official plans to make two-thirds of Americans – those who did not go to college – pay off the loans of the one-third who did. The U.S. government will “forgive” $10,000 in federal student loan debt for millions of Americans […]
How’s the Economy?
Great! The White House and the media are insisting the economy is finally “cooling off.” Joe Biden: Inflation Is Zero %. NOW – Biden: “Today we received news that our economy had zero percent inflation in the month of July. Zero percent.” pic.twitter.com/HXpRy5xmW5 — Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) August 10, 2022 Why? The consumer price index came […]
“End of Quote. Repeat the Line …”
Joe Biden’s problem is bigger than his being incoherent. Explains Andrew McCarthy in NRO, Biden is a “captive of transitional progressivism, where red lines are just preliminaries to new red lines.” Talking, talking and more talking is an end in and of itself. Mr. McCarthy explains how enemy regimes proceeded cautiously with Donald Trump, with […]
Joe Biden’s Many COVID Lies Should Not Be Forgotten
Joe Biden recently came down with Covid-19. While no one should be forced to suffer through illness, Biden’s many lies about the Covid-19 vaccine should not be forgiven simply because he has become a victim of his own misleading comments. John Nolte of Breitbart writes: While we all wish Joe Biden a fast and full […]
Biden’s Economic Illiteracy and Shameless Demagoguery
Or, Where Does the Buck Stop? Just ask Joe Biden… “The companies running gas stations and setting prices at the pump…Bring down the price you are charging at the pump to reflect the cost you’re paying for the product.” Joe Kicking Sand in Their Face Regardless how implausible, Joe maintains the buck stops with small-time […]
Our Intellectually Dishonest President: Dismissing the Risks
When Joe Biden took office, he headed what James Freeman describes as a “smartly rebounding economy.” The President demanded and received from Congressional Democrats a $1.9 trillion “rescue” plan, while dismissing the risks. Although Biden got his spending blowout, he failed to grasp what was happening in the U.S. economy, Mr. Freeman tells readers in […]
Inflation Comes from the Fed, and Biden Will Make it Worse
The inflation story, each and every cycle, begins and ends with the Fed. Too much money chasing too few goods. Biden starts right out on the absolute wrong track pronouncing that he “won’t meddle with the Fed.” In fact, Biden’s actions so far have only made the Fed’s missteps worse, by layering unnecessary stimulus on […]
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