Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. of LewRockwell.com, reports how the U.S. needs to stop brain-dead Biden and his neocon controllers from embroiling us into a confrontation with Iran. He writes:
On April I, Israel launched an attack on an annex to the Iranian embassy in Damascus. The attack killed a leading Iranian general. In retaliation, Iran launched a missile attack on Israel the following Saturday night, going into Sunday morning. Although the US and Israel shot down most of the missiles, there is reason to think that the attack did more damage than has been reported in the mainstream press. If Israel answers back with another attack, especially a nuclear attack, this could lead to a thermonuclear war that could destroy the world.
I hope that you noticed an anomaly in the first paragraph. Why was the US involved in shooting down the Iranian missiles? Why are we financing the Israeli defense system, including the famous Iron Shield? Why are we giving massive military and economic aid to Israel? Doing this enables Israel to continue its savage and genocidal attack on Gaza. Instead, we should return to our traditional foreign policy of non-intervention, ably championed in our times by Murray Rothbard and Ron Paul. […]
Let’s do everything we can to stop brain-dead Biden and his gang of neocon controllers from embroiling us into a confrontation with Iran that could end the world.
Read more here.
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