At The American Spectator, George Neumayr explains how former FBI Director James Comey “managed not to know anything about the FBI’s most important case from the summer of 2016.” He writes (abridged):
Drunk on his own self-deluded rectitude, James Comey has become one of the most insufferable voices on the Left. He teaches “ethics” at William & Mary, but it is hard to imagine a more unethical FBI director than one who signs off on the most invasive spying warrants imaginable without bothering to verify them, or even know their rationale. That came out in his shameless testimony last Friday in closed session with Congress.
It was clear from his slipshod testimony that he hadn’t even read the FISA warrants he approved. He breezily acknowledged that the Steele dossier, which formed the basis of the alleged justification for spying on Trump officials, was unverified. He said he didn’t know Steele was paid by the Democrats to assemble it. Asked if he should have known, he shrugged and said that he didn’t consider that an important piece of information.
Somehow Comey managed not to know anything about the FBI’s most important case from the summer of 2016. He said that he hadn’t troubled himself to read the originating documents for Crossfire Hurricane and couldn’t be bothered to find out the agency’s claimed “predicate” for it.
As for the FBI’s most important “source” for Crossfire Hurricane, Christopher Steele, he showed no curiosity about him.
How did Steele’s dossier get to the FBI? Comey plumb didn’t know! Did the FBI confirm his information? Comey couldn’t remember.
Did he know that Steele had been dropped by the FBI for disseminating his paid opposition research on Trump to anti-Trump reporters? No, Comey didn’t, and wasn’t sure to this day if that had happened.
Read more here.
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