You miss Richard C. Young’s Intelligence Report, especially the Monster Master List and the monthly introductions you couldn’t wait to read. I know this because you tell me. Here’s the intro from Dick’s last letter:
My Last Issue
Last Call! After nearly four decades of meeting monthly publishing deadlines, it’s time for me to shift gears. I am stepping away from writing IR to spend full time researching global investing strategies, compounding, and dividend-paying stocks on behalf of our management clients at Richard C. Young & Co., Ltd.
Eagle Financial Publications will become the new publisher of Intelligence Report as of September 1. You’ll find further details regarding this transition in the enclosed letter.
Don’t despair. I am not abandoning my thousands of subscribers, many of whom have been with me since what feels like the Reagan era. As always, you’ll be able to get my early-morning posts on and
Best Investment Newsletter of All Time
In October 1993, at the peak of the investment newsletter industry, Money magazine authored a Money Newsline feature headlined “Big Investment Newsletters Worth the Money.”
Money analyzed the five biggest circulation investment newsletters, rating each from A to C-. Money rated Richard C. Young’s Intelligence Report #1, the only letter to receive an “A” rating. That was 24 years ago.
As noted earlier, after over three decades of writing Richard C. Young’s Intelligence Report, I have just finished editing my final issue.
Through the years, I’ve never wavered on my view of what has been the #1 investment newsletter of all time. And no, I am not including Richard C. Young’s Intelligence Report in my review. That’s because Intelligence Report is only the second-best strategy report I have personally edited. Back in the 1970s and 1980s, when I was in the institutional research and trading business, I was the publisher and editor of Young’s World Money Forecast (YWMF) through Young Research & Publishing Inc. YWMF was on a whole different level, covering the international economic and monetary system, currencies, gold, and stock market momentum. My primary trend tool was my highly regarded, proprietary, and accurate Market Tension Index (MTI).
If you have $500,000 to invest—not a small sum but common for the entrepreneurs, professionals, highly successful, and fairly wealthy, who choose Your Survival Guy—then we should talk. Because along with hearing my cheery voice, you’ll get to know without a shadow of a doubt whether we’ll work well together. If you’ve been with us this long, don’t you think you should find out? I do.
The easy choice is doing nothing. I get it. Inertia is brutal. But doing fine today doesn’t mean you’ll be fine down the road, especially if your spouse depends on you. Wouldn’t it be nice to experience what it’s like to have a customized portfolio for the two of you while you can still work together today with someone you feel like you’ve known for most of your adult life?
Don’t let the details stop you in your tracks. Don’t let questions or thoughts like these hold you back:
- He won’t believe I own this stock.
- I don’t want to get rid of some of these.
- The taxes might be brutal.
- Can I transfer as is, in kind?
- What should I do about my RMD?
- How will I get enough cash for living expenses?
- And on, and on, and on…
That’s just part of the process. I have most of the answers. And if I don’t, I’ll get them for you. That’s my job. I’m a fiduciary. I can get that to you in writing.
Action Line: When you’re ready to “Make it a Good Month,” I’m here.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.
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