What Won’t Happen Here – Matthew J. Franck, National Review Online
Mr. Franck lists a number of predictions regarding the coming confirmation process of Justice Stevens. The fourth prediction is probably the most disappointing for Americans. Republicans in the Senate have allowed a number of judges onto the Supreme Court who have no conviction to uphold the Constitution as it was written. If Mr. Franck is correct, this will, unfortunately, not change with the next confirmation. – Dick Young
New Fangs for the Conservative ‘Beast’ – By Edwin J. Feulner and Michael A. Needham, The Wall Street Journal
A new organization, Heritage Action for America, will use the insights developed by The Heritage Foundation to lobby politicians and to work to replace them if necessary. As The Wall Street Journal reports, “Heritage Action for America will guarantee that when a wavering congressman thinks of voting for higher taxes, increased regulation, or a weaker national defense, television ads in his home district will remind him that a vote for bigger government is a vote for less freedom. When at his district office, well-informed constituents will visit him to press the case as to why a specific bill deserves to die or pass. They’ll remind him of his electoral promises (which tend to be almost universally conservative, even among the most ‘progressive’ politicians) and let him know that he must vote the right way or start looking for a new line of work.” I am a Heritage Foundation benefactor. – Dick Young
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