Beware of a Value Added Tax – Matt Hadro, Human Events
Even the idea of a VAT should outrage conservative Americans today. As spending skyrockets at the hands of the Radical Progressive Movement, trial balloons are being floated to test the idea of a value-added tax. Paul Volcker raised the idea and was, thankfully, slapped down hard by Republican senators. Brit Hume of FOX News raised the possibility that Congress may try to slip the VAT through in its lame-duck session. If such a possibility becomes a reality, conservatives should make not only Obamacare a target of repeal, but the VAT along with it. – Dick Young
Obama Plots Assault on Non-Union Businesses – Donald Lambro, Human Events
It would appear that the Obama administration is using federal contract rules not to save Americans money in their time of need, but to spend the largest number of dollars possible on the jobs it contracts. – Dick Young
FCC to Push Ahead on Broadband Agenda – Amy Schatz, The Wall Street Journal
Don’t expect an unfavorable appellate court ruling to derail team Obama and the Radical Progressive Movement from trying to control free speech. Expect FCC chairman and Obama friend Julius Genachowski to just go around the law and attempt to reclassify broadband networks as common carriers under Title 2 of the Communications Act. Such reclassification would allow the federal government to control the Internet, just as it controls landlines. By getting a foot in the door and applying their broadband plan, they will be that much closer to achieving their ultimate goal: a Fairness Doctrine for the Internet, or net neutrality. – E.J. Smith
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