Originally posted on April 21, 2010.
In the chapter of The County Sheriff on barriers, Sheriff Richard Mack offers the following insight on Supreme Court Justice Scalia’s 10th Amendment ruling: “The power of the Federal Government would be augmented immeasurably if it were able to impress into its service—and at no cost to itself—the police officers of the 50 States.” Mack writes that the federal government does not have the power or authority to “impress” the police from the states into federal regulatory programs. He concludes, “Finally, and most unambiguously, the Supreme Court ruled repeatedly in this case ‘state legislatures are not subject to federal direction.’” Read more at SheriffMack.com.
Poll: Trust in Big Government Near Historic Low – AP, FOXNews.com
It comes as no surprise that Americans don’t trust their government. Trust must be earned. The recent administrations have created massive programs America can’t pay for, started wars America had no business starting, and spent Americans’ hard-earned money on special interest projects for their friends. No trust has been earned. – Timothy Jones
Altered States – Michael J. Tinklein, The Wall Street Journal
Texas has the right to carve out four new states within its giant borders. If that were to happen, eight new senators would be sent to Washington. How many of those new senators from Texas would be freedom-loving conservatives? – Dick Young
A Message from ‘Henry’ – Mike Donahue, The Wall Street Journal
High Earner, Not Rich Yet. HENRY. Mike Donahue describes how high earners in America, including most of the country’s small businesses, are hit with a plethora of taxes every year. They are already paying more than their fair share, and still the Radical Progressive Movement wants more tax dollars to feed its wealth-redistribution machine. It’s unconscionable. – Dick Young
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