There is a short but important list of things the U.S. needs to do to get itself back on the right track. Everyone knows what’s on the list, but politicians do a very good job of bringing up loads of other issues to confuse and divide Americans into voting for the bums. Here’s the list, in case you don’t know it already:
1) Protect the Constitution—free speech, Second Amendment, the works.
2) Stop being the world’s police force—bring home the troops from everywhere.
3) Repeal or reform the government programs that are putting the U.S. in jeopardy, i.e., Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and now Obamacare.
4) Protect the border—immigration good, illegal immigration bad, it’s that simple.
5) Continue to be a beacon of capitalism that the world can model itself after.
There are two conservatives running for the Senate who understand that a return to the principles of the Constitution and a non-interventionist foreign policy will make America stronger, and that the sinking fiscal ship of state needs righting today. Not tomorrow, not by cutting the deficit in four years—it needs to be done now. These two candidates are Chuck DeVore and Rand Paul.
Chuck DeVore is a state assemblyman in California. He spent 13 years in the private sector, working in the aerospace industry. DeVore was a Reagan administration appointee, serving as special assistant for foreign affairs in the Pentagon in the 80s. DeVore spent 24 years in the Army and retired from the National Guard. He is now a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army Retired Reserve. DeVore takes a pragmatic approach to military conflict, saying on his website, “Regarding our current conflicts, we must define and then achieve victory. If we are not prepared to defeat our enemies, then we should not sacrifice our men and women in uniform to a lost cause.”
DeVore is fighting a hard three-way race for the California Republican senatorial nomination against GOP-establishment-backed Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, and former Congressman Tom Campbell. Both are formidable candidates, but both are flawed. Fiorina nearly destroyed HP, and Campbell is anti–Second Amendment. DeVore is the only candidate in the race for conservatives.
Rand Paul is an ophthalmologist from Bowling Green, Kentucky. He is running to fill the Senate seat being vacated by Jim Bunning. Paul has owned his own medical practice for 17 years. In 1995 he founded the Southern Kentucky Lions Eye Clinic to provide eye care to the needy. In 1993 Paul founded Kentucky Taxpayers United, a nonpartisan citizens’ watchdog group set up to monitor and report on the state’s legislators and their honesty in regards to the state’s tax law.
Paul has come up against serious resistance from the establishment GOP for his views regarding America’s interventionist foreign policy. Paul agrees with point two from above, that the U.S. should not continue to be the world’s police force, or nation builder. True conservatives, concerned with the U.S. over all other nations and corporations, will no doubt see the truth in that view. But the establishment GOP, including Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell, has backed Trey Grayson, Kentucky’s secretary of state. Grayson has received endorsements from many neocons, including Dick Cheney and Rudy Giuliani. If your game is world domination and endless wars, Grayson is your guy. If you want peace and a United States that defends its own borders, not those of other countries, Rand Paul is the man for you.