“Buying lots of stuff from Amazon and upgrading our nifty smartphones every two years doesn’t seem to be making us happier,” explains Kyle Smith at National Review writing about Tucker Carlson’s opening salvo this week: America’s goal is maximum happiness, not maximum GDP.
Tucker clearly and succinctly makes the case in his book Ship of Fools: How a Selfish Ruling Class is Bringing America to the Brink of Revolution that we need leaders who act for the love of country, who stay out of foreign wars, who worry more about Main Street and less about Wall Street, and who get back to our small town roots and why we love our hometowns.
Because the longer we continue down this road, the closer we are to becoming a socialist state.
And today we’re not that far off from socialism.
Tucker explains it will require a love of country to gradually shift back to our roots. It will take a monumental effort. It will not be done overnight. It will take politicians who govern for you and me, and not their short-term greed of simply being reelected.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.
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