“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”
Then-presidential candidate Barack Obama
This election, “is as important as anything we did two years ago. The labor program you guys have put into place is the backbone of the ground program.”
President Obama last week on an AFL-CIO conference call
You will witness historical voter remorse tomorrow night. Remorse for electing President Obama. Remorse for having lost the country to the left. Remorse for his radical progressive movement. And remorse for the mess he complains he inherited and is making much worse.
As Obama complains about the mess he inherited, he’s done nothing to rein it in. Voters are asking, why was ObamaCare such a priority? Why was cap and trade such a priority? Why bring in all these czars and make such controversial recess appointments?
Voters are scared that our president, who most know for being a community organizer, will never hold back. Why should he? Isn’t the purpose of a community organizer to fix the system? To mold it into your belief system? But that’s not what voters signed up for. In 2008 Obama was elected to fix Washington, not America. “Yes We Can” has become “No You Didn’t” and “Not So Fast.”
No you didn’t change Washington. No you didn’t live up to our expectations. And no you are not going to trample on our freedoms without our rebuttal. But that’s just it. President Obama has never been about the greatness of individual freedoms. He’s always been most proud of his accomplishments as a community organizer.
When Saul Alinsky was asked if suburbia would prove to be fertile ground for his organizational talents he responded, “Yes, and it’s shaping up as the most challenging fight of my career.” Obama, trained by Alinsky disciples, called his days as a community organizer the best education of his lifetime and used his organizing skills to win over the hearts and votes of the majority of suburbia.
“Hope and Change” was what suburbia wanted and what Obama failed to deliver. Two years later a majority of suburbia disapproves of Obama and recognizes that no matter what promises are made by 535 pols in Washington, whether they be led by Pelosi, Reid, and Obama or Tom, Dick and Harry, it’s not your dream they’re living, it’s theirs. They’re living the dream. Not you.
What politician truly dreams of smaller government and giving more power to the people?
And that’s why the Tea Party movement is so important. At its core, the Tea Party movement is about you the people and smaller government. It stands for what our founders had in mind for America: individual freedom.
We choose to live in a world of individual freedom and personal responsibility and its rewards and consequences. We don’t live to pay for the mistakes of others who have chosen to be less responsible. There are consequences for poor decisions. Yes, we will take care of those truly in need. But we choose not to be beholden to the capable among us who choose to live in need. As Thomas Jefferson said: “The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.”
Yet big government picks and chooses what it deems irresponsible behavior and who, meaning you, pays for such consequences. It chooses certain freedoms. And in doing such there is no middle ground. A choice must be made. And Obama chooses; unions over small business, public heath care over private, higher taxes over lower taxes, a cap and trade bill built upon human created global warming propaganda for costly green jobs, the takeover of big business like GM, supporting Fannie and Freddie, Wall Street over Main Street, union driven public schools over charter schools, and America as the apologist nation to the rest of the world.
Tomorrow America has the power to keep the pressure on the one person that the mid-term election is all about, President Obama. The way forward may not be clear. But what is clear is President Obama does not stand for the individual freedoms that have made this country great. Tuesday is a reminder that we stood up against community organizers when this great country was founded. And history will once again be made tomorrow. Mr. Obama should remember the words spoken by his favorite U.S. President:
You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away people’s initiative and independence.
You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves.
Abraham Lincoln