At The American Spectator, Dov Fischer explains why one more frustrating week helps Kavanaugh and the GOP. Fischer says the weeklong delay for an FBI investigation will give those on-the-fence about Judge Brett Kavanaugh the cover to support his nomination. Fischer writes (abridged):
Although few things may seem more frustrating to Judge Kavanaugh’s supporters than to wait yet another week for an anti-climactic seventh FBI investigation into his background, the extension of time does offer several potential benefits for both the judge as he prepares to ascend the nation’s highest bench and for the Republicans as they go into the November elections.
Ms.( Rachel) Mitchell uncovered enough inconsistencies, curiosities, and uncertainties in Dr. Ford’s testimony to justify non-Resisters moving ahead with the Kavanaugh selection and voting Republican in November.
The Republicans lose little but can gain a great deal by demonstrating to middle-road and fair-minded women voters that the gang-attack anti-Kavanaugh depictions on CNN, MSNBC, and in other media are false. That Republicans are fair and reasonable. And that the GOP can go along with one more essentially pointless FBI investigation and background check.
The ABA will be satisfied. Jeff Flake will be satisfied. Alan Dershowitz will be satisfied. Brett Kavanaugh will have had his seventh FBI clearance. Susan Collins will be covered. Joe Manchin will be covered. And that will be that.
Many in the Republican base now are energized as they were not before. He is a good man. He did nothing of the sort alleged.
The one-week delay further will give the American Bar Association comfort to continue endorsing Brett Kavanaugh’s credentials for the Supreme Court. It will give political cover for Sen. Susan Collins of Maine. In fairness, not all Republican senators come from deep red states, and the Republicans need Collins in the Senate for tax-cut bills and to ratify other judicial appointments, too.
In the end, what is the FBI going to find?— they will be careful and circumspect, knowing that they are being watched. They will find that they cannot locate the house of the party. They cannot determine the date. The alleged witnesses do not remember a thing about it because it never happened as alleged.
The hapless Democrats — gritting their teeth when the TV camera lights are turned off — will have gotten their FBI investigation.
Suburban women will have seen that the Republicans, even the GOP men, are fair. Jeff Flake and Susan Collins will have gotten the cover they need or want to vote on the Senate floor for Judge Kavanaugh. Lisa Murkowski will fall into line. Reading the tea leaves, Joe Manchin probably will vote for Kavanaugh, too — making it at least 52-48. Maybe also Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota; maybe not. That all will breathe real life into Republican efforts to win precious Red State Senate seats from Resisters Jon Tester in Montana, Claire McCaskill, in Missouri, and Joe Donnelly in Indiana.
Read more here.
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