At The American Spectator, Melissa Mackenzie notes that “Badass Bernie is back.” She explains that the “rich white kids who are woke and live in cities and are cloistered ideologically have never been challenged.” So Bernie’s success is understandable because “he spouts ideas that only college students could love.” She writes (abridged):
Badass Bernie is back. After his heart attack, he seemed to take the doctors’ advice and ease up a bit and calm down.. No more. Bad Bernie is back, and he’s an angry elf. Never mind that America is in the throes of an economic boom. He is an American Hugo Chavez, and he has the support of the youth and, it seems, the majority of the Democrat party. He’s the nominee unless the Democrats find a way to supplant him with Bloomberg or Hillary.
All of the folks on the debate stage, save Bloomberg, have built precisely nothing. Trump is used to building things, and that’s obvious from how he approaches governance. He’s continually frustrated with the bureaucratic tendency to focus on minutiae and get nothing done.
The animus against Trump betrays the deep insecurity that those who dwell in the theoretical have for those who have lived in reality. It’s why the Dem base loves Bernie: he spouts ideas that only college students could love because the ideas only make sense to people with no life experience whatsoever.
This intersectional, socialist, ravening mob was nurtured in elementary school and finished in college. The really rich white kids who are woke and live in cities and are cloistered ideologically have never been challenged. These folks are why they took Hillary’s loss so badly. They couldn’t fathom someone holding a different worldview from their own.
This is the last election in which the generation that extols socialism and never experienced the horrors of communism won’t hold sway. In four more years, the Boomers will take a back seat.
Melissa Mackenzie is Publisher of The American Spectator. February 20,2020 The American Spectator
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