The Most Important Person in America is, of course, a designation that might apply to a number of significant Americans. In this instance I am centered on the November 2 Election Day and its aftermath. I write to you with the bias of an independent conservative. I most certainly have a horse in the race and an ax to grind.
Looking at Election Day my greatest fear is that conservatives would fail to carry enough seats in the Senate to prevent president Obama from making another disastrous Supreme Court nomination, as in the case of justices Sotomayor and Kagan. Spineless moderate Republicans failed to do what was necessary to prevent these two anti-second amendment nominees from gaining confirmation. Look, Supreme Court nominations are lifetime appointments. America is stuck with two new liberal voices for what may well-be decades.
Believe me, as a believer in a strict interpretation of the constitution I have grave problems looking ahead should swing vote conservative, and most important person in America, Anthony Kennedy for any reason go off the court while Barack Obama is still around. It is clear to me that conservatives, led by the Tea Party movement are going to swamp progressives on Nov 2. In that all revenue bills must originate in the House, a pick up of 60 to70 house seats will put an end to Obama overreach. On the Senate side again with my eye on potential Supreme Court nominations I am far less comfortable. And I am for that matter not at all comfortable with the composition of republicans currently in the Senate, obviously targeting the Maine ladies and perhaps less obviously John McCain who is a far cry from a conservative voice.
A goodbye to justice Kennedy for any reason and the fat would be in the fire. I am deeply concerned that even if Senate Republicans do quite well on Tuesday, there will not be critical mass to prevent a third Obama Supreme Court nomination. The court is today split four justices to the right and four to the left with justice Kennedy a normally conservative swing vote. Two years (almost) of president Obama has already done irrefutable damage to our federal republic. It beats me how someone with zero practical experience in any area of endeavor relative to holding the most powerful office could have been elected.
I am certain that eight years of out of control spending and nation building by the neocon controlled Bush administration was a killer. And the choice of John McCain as Republican presidential candidate was a non-starter from the get go. Nonetheless the country has been stiffed with Mr. Obama. I hope that I am not being unfair to president Obama but take Dick Young’s sixty-second presidential qualification test and you tell me. Simply write down those specific qualifications in the president’s background that might qualify the man to be president. I cut a 3X5 card in half and still had too much space.
A historically significant house cleaning is at hand, one that will continue in 2012 as the Tea Party movement, fueled by the Americans for Prosperity Foundation, FreedomWorks, Cato Institute, The Institute for Justice, the Federalist Society and The Mercatus Center continue to get the message out to all Americans wishing to return to a true republican federal government as meant by Thomas Jefferson and intended by the constitution.
Mr. Jefferson wrote that “On every question of construction, let us carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed.”
As the final word, November 2 is the time to most directly focus on Jefferson’s words to James Madison where Jefferson believed that a state must resist federal enforcement of an unconstitutional and dangerous policy. Obamacare of course comes quickly to mind and Obamacare alone is reason enough to see to it that an awful lot of the House and Senate folk responsible for this travesty of constitutional overreach are turned out for good and replaced by representatives who actually believe in our American constitution as written on November 2nd.
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