In The American Spectator, Scott McKay slams Kamala Harris’s trip to Tennessee. He highlights that other than on January 6, 2021, Kamala Harris has always supported rioters and their violence. Why does she do that? McKay writes:
Harris just gets worse and worse, and the rancid presidential administration she’s allowed to be a part of can’t seem to bring itself to hide her away.
So last week, when the Republican leadership in the Tennessee General Assembly got it almost perfectly right when it voted to shed a couple of Democrat legislators who did something not dissimilar to what Harris did in 2020, namely encouraging rioters, Harris made it worse.
You’ll remember that Harris, amid the breakout of the George Floyd riots around the country, went on late-night TV and sang the praises of Antifa and Black Lives Matter as they burned down city after city…
So we know she’s pro-rioter.
Except for when it comes to Jan. 6. That was an “insurrection” and a “dismantling” of democracy.
Kamala Harris didn’t have any bail money for the Jan. 6 protesters. She had plenty for the George Floyd gang, including for people who maimed and killed innocents as soon as they got out of jail.
Therefore, it was no surprise that Harris went down to the Volunteer State after the Legislature there voted to expel a pair of leftists named Justin Jones and Justin Pearson last week following their antics on the floor of the House of Representatives, which included a bullhorn and 45 minutes of screaming about gun control.
And Harris literally couldn’t have been dumber or more obnoxious on her trip. The speech she gave was so devoid of truth and reality as to make your head spin.
She paid tribute to people who did exactly what the Jan. 6 protesters (insurrectionists?) did. She had zero time for the families of the six people shot and killed by that transgender lunatic in Nashville who started this disaster. Listening to Harris, you’d think the trans people were the victims of the Nashville massacre when it was the Christians who were slaughtered by one of the trans crowd.
Who had her guns illegally, owing the fact that she was diagnosed with a mental illness and failed to disclose that before buying those weapons.
And to follow that up with a riot in the state capitol because the Legislature wasn’t interested in taking arms away from those who legally own them?
Harris supports all of this. So do the Democrat political machines in Nashville and Memphis, where the local city councils are voting Jones and Pearson back into the Legislature as interim replacements for themselves. That happened at Harris’ inspiration.
Read more here.
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