At Spectator.US, Daniel McCarthy explains the strange death of the Democratic Party. He writes (abridged):
That may be hard to believe since Democrats control both houses of Congress and won the last presidential election with a record 81 million votes. But the exiguous margins of their hold on the House and Senate, with fewer than 51 percent of the seats in either chamber, tell another story, as does the desperation of their struggle to abolish the filibuster and federalize election law.
Those policy aims are of a piece with dreams of packing the Supreme Court — and packing the Senate too, by admitting tiny Democratic bastions as new states. The left wing of the party even assails the constitutional principle behind the Senate itself, the idea of equal representation of the states.
Simply put, Democrats know they can no longer win by the old agreed-upon rules, constitutional or otherwise.
Bill Clinton looked a little Kennedyesque, didn’t he? And Joe Biden is some sort of Irish Catholic, right? How bad could they be? Very bad indeed, to judge by the long-term cultural and economic effects of the Clinton years, and the early moves of the Biden administration. Clinton signed NAFTA into law and exported American jobs while importing low-skilled labor, the illegal variety included.
Irish American men are not going to be diverse enough for the Democratic party of tomorrow. Really they aren’t diverse enough for the Democratic party of today, but in 2020 Biden was the only candidate who seemed to stand a chance. Bernie Sanders, the runner-up, would have exposed how economically hard-left the party could be. And the party’s own black voters preferred Biden to Kamala Harris or Cory Booker.
The party’s leadership problem isn’t about race: it’s that the Kennedyesque image and ideology have had their last dance.
Joe Biden is alive (sort of), but his party is dead.
The newborn radical Democrats can’t win — not without rewriting the rules to get around competition at the state level, where elections are closer to the people.
Written by: Daniel McCarthy
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