Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton laughs at a remark by Vice President Joe Biden as they wait for the start of a press statement by President Barack Obama and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in the Oval Office Aug. 18, 2009. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)
“We’ve been lied to,” said one Rhode Island lawmaker after another on Thursday during a televised State House hearing. “They look in our faces and laugh at us.”
If you’re a Republican in Rhode Island, you’re used to this type of treatment. But you can’t chalk this up as just another day at the office because it’s Democrats who are fired up and complaining about not being heard by outgoing Gov. Gina Raimondo.
As Raimondo packs her bags to become the country’s Commerce Secretary, lawmakers in Rhode Island (as blue as the deep blue sea) are angry. Democrat elected representatives are upset at state agency bureaucrats because as these agency reps testify before legislative committees, the elected officials receive text messages from constituents reading: “Everything they just said to you is a bunch of B.S.”
This is all happening just days ahead of a U.S. Senate confirmation hearing for Raimondo’s nomination to the Biden administration. “Garbage-in, garbage-out,” said Rep. Camille Vella-Wilkinson, D-Warwick, RI, “If we are relying on information we are getting from the executive branch and we can’t [rely on it]…because the department heads are in lock-step to lie to us.” How can we “hold their feet to the fire,” wonders Oversight Committee Chairwoman Patricia Serpa, D-West Warwick, “if there are no consequences.”
When Rhode Island reps aren’t being heard, what does that mean? The DEEP state is alive and well on a local and state level. Because if politicians can be overrun here, it’s absolutely happening in your neck of the woods.
Action Line: You know about my concerns for your peace of mind and safety where you live. Pay attention to what’s happening here. See the riots by Antifa? You’re seeing elected officials who dominate (Dems) the Capitol being overrun by non-elected agency officials—the minions of the mayors and governors letting thugs run the show.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.
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