America needs a third party and, no doubt, more parties. A system similar to that which is in place in Europe would better serve all Americans.
Neither the current Democrat nor Republican Party elites are in sync with the American voter. Today’s two-party system comprises two groups of self-serving elites pandering to–and philosophically controlled by–a disturbing cabal including military/industrial complex neocons, public sector unions, convicted felons, the welfare horde, and East and West coast loft-dwelling pseudo-intellectuals.
A third-party discourse must be launched with this fall’s presidential debates and carried on through the presidential election.
The first order of business is to get the Johnson/Weld ticket into the debates. To achieve this goal, all Americans–sans the above noted cabal of course–must work individually as well as in local teams and nationally organized groups to develop a swell of vocal support for Johnson/Weld. A broad-based attack would provide the base for achieving the poll numbers required to get the Johnson/Weld ticket into the debates. lays out the details for you here.
The second order of business is to ensure that the Johnson/Weld ticket gains enough votes in November to most likely end the two party system. This requires 5%. Five percent is the the milestone set by the Federal Election Commission to be eligible for the Presidential Election Campaign Fund’s grant.
So this is where Young’s Red & Blue strategy comes in. Use my Liberty and Freedom map as a guide. Clinton must be defeated this fall. To achieve my twin goals of defeating Clinton and wracking up the Johnson/Weld votes, while not killing off the chance to beat Clinton, here is what Americans must do.
If you reside in a state projected to be a landslide state for Trump, vote Johnson/Weld, as Trump most likely will survive your non-support. If you live in a state projected as an undoubted Clinton win (i.e. Massachusetts, California. Vermont), do the same. If you live in a state projected to be a toss up (Florida, Ohio, Penn, North Carolina and Virginia), vote Trump.
This Red & Blue strategy should go a long way to ensure that Johnson/Weld gain the votes required to move forward in the future (gain federal funding) while, at the same time, defeating Clinton.
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