You may have joined me on the arthritis/knees front. Literally and figuratively, what a pain.
My first line of defense weekly is massage and acupuncture with my Chinese medicine practitioners. I stay as far as I can from western medicine and prescription drugs. And I eschew traditional physical therapy which I find way behind the training scope of my Chinese medicine/acupuncture/message physicians. It’s not even close.
Next up, thanks to my daughter Becky, president of Young Research, are my twice daily applications of Joint Pain Therapy from Organic Excellence. I have yet to come across a product with anything like the world-class ingredients included (see my pictured label/ingredients graphic).
Next in line are Collagen Peptides from Vital Proteins, also unearthed by intensive digging from Beck.
Finally, from the sometimes over-the-top Shane Ellison (, I take Shane’s Joint FX.
Make a bad turn and my knee screams, for sure. But beyond my carelessness, I am about 80% pain free, which is a long shot from where I was six months ago.
One final note. I do have a soft tissue problem, which seems to go with the territory. But my Chinese medicine/acupuncture/massage physicians are able to keep me ahead of the curve.
That’s my “living with arthritis” story. I am fortunate to have found such thoughtful and knowledgeable practitioners. I hope you can achieve equally solid improvement by following my outlined regime.
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