South Carolina State Senator Tom Davis has announced he is supporting Dr. Paul. U.S. Senator Jim DeMint from South Carolina now mentions embracing Libertarian concepts. The political winds in the U.S. have shifted. Voters are fed up with both major parties and realize that the best interests of American citizens have not been well represented […]
Ron Paul’s Amazing Run
Ron Paul in the Lead in Iowa
Congressman Ron Paul has taken the lead in Iowa in a new poll performed by Public Policy Polling. The poll marks the end of Newt Gingrich’s meteoric rise. The former Speaker of the House has been hammered concerning his shaky record as a conservative and his shady business deals with Freddie Mac. Congressman Paul now […]
Ron Paul Can’t Win
Opining in the Wall Street Journal, Kimberly Strassel delivers a hard punch at Ron Paul. Let’s see here, Strassel writes that Paul is “in many ways ‘the ideal candidate for a conservative electorate hungry for a principled GOP nominee.” This is certainly the case. I do not know what conservative means politically speaking. Are we […]
Ron Paul on the Rise in Iowa
Tom Ashbrook of NPR interviews Ned Martel (Washing Post), Nick Gillespie (Reason), Drake University student Ben Levine, and Max Boot of the Council on Foreign Relations regarding Congressman Ron Paul’s presidential campaign.
Ron Paul Outlines A Systematic Attack on Americans
Over the last 100 years, American voters have been brainwashed into believing a complete portfolio of nonsense packaged by self-serving bankers and politicians.
Ron Paul is Dead!
That is exactly what entrenched politicians on both sides of the aisle—the neocon military/industrial complex intelligentsia, the media, the Greenwich Village pseudo-intellectual liberals, and the Hollywood buffoons—would have you believe. It is hard to read a good word about Ron Paul, is it not? The silence on the media front when it comes to Dr. […]
Five Firebrand Questions For Ron Paul
The Des Moines Register has put together a compelling five-question list for Dr.Paul.
Jon Stewart on Ron Paul Media Blackout
Ron Paul has ORIGINATED more sound ideas than the rest of the Republican field combined.
The Power of Ron Paul’s Message
Ron Paul’s message of liberty is concisely outlined in Liberty Defined, in which he writes, “We must strive for truth and the preservation of those values that we are convinced have benefited mankind. We could be successful and preserve the American Republic as it was intended, giving up the militarism of the American Empire.”