That is exactly what entrenched politicians on both sides of the aisle—the neocon military/industrial complex intelligentsia, the media, the Greenwich Village pseudo-intellectual liberals, and the Hollywood buffoons—would have you believe. It is hard to read a good word about Ron Paul, is it not? The silence on the media front when it comes to Dr. Paul makes you wonder if you hadn’t missed his obituary. Well not quite. Out of eyesight, it looks as if Ron Paul’s Iowa ground army is overrunning opposition forces and propelling him to the front ranks of America’s first nominating battle in Iowa.
Ron Paul may well win Iowa and also New Hampshire. Victories in both states would dump the fat in the fire and panic would set in fast for the entire crowd outlined above. Can Ron actually get the nomination and win the White House? Well, I have attached two encouraging memos from the Paul camp for you below. For some bias perspective, the Wall Street Journal wrote of Dr. Paul: “His radical views about the size of government probably doom him to defeat in the Republican primaries…. As a candidate, Mr. Paul is likely finished.” These pronouncements were clearly premature and misguided. The WSJ is an establishment outlet with a serious axe to grind against any candidate who would take the military/industrial complex to task. Americans historically have been hoodwinked on the subject of national defense, which as often as not has been more like national offense. Speak out against the fruitless and harmful nation building supported by George Bush and Barack Obama, and you’ll quickly earn the tag of unpatriotic. And lurking just over the horizon is the Project for a New American Century crowd who gave us the Iraq debacle. Just for starters, Google the reasons we are in Afghanistan, the end game that our leaders envision, and the current status of the affair. Ron Paul appears to be the only candidate for the presidency who is against the folly that is Afghanistan.
Did you see the movie Margin Call with Kevin Spacey? You should. The movie portrays exactly the type of Wall Street firms the politicians and Fed bailed out during the financial crisis. Once again, Dr. Paul is the only candidate running for president who understands the conspiracy against the public regularly carried out by the Fed and politicians. Read Dr. Paul’s End the Fed. You’ll be in for a surprise. Hans Sennholz (in Money and Freedom) called the creation of the Fed “the most tragic blunder ever committed by Congress,” a view I know is not shared by Mitt Romney, for one. Before the creation of the Fed in 1913, Ludwig von Mises, in The Theory of Money and Credit, warned that the creation of central banks would worsen and spread business cycles rather than eliminate them. Today’s Fed travesty is a perfect example. The Fed lends to Wall Street at basically nothing while it allows America’s retired savers to earn nothing on their life’s savings. Among Dr. Paul’s conclusions: “Nothing good can come from the Federal Reserve. It is the biggest taxer of them all. Diluting the value of the dollar by increasing its supply is a vicious, sinister tax on the poor and middle class.”
Read Ron Paul Outlines A Systematic Attack On Americans by clicking here.
From Congressman Ron Paul, November 17, 2011
Dear Fellow Conservative,
Republican voters aren’t fickle. They’re not just looking for another “flavor of the month.”
What voters want is a solid conservative candidate who can take on and defeat BOTH Mitt Romney and President Obama in 2012.
It’s just that as soon as voters start to learn more about my Republican opponents, they realize they don’t fit the bill!
Well, as a recent poll in Iowa showing me statistically tied for first place proved, and another in New Hampshire placing me clearly in second place showed, my unapologetic conservatism is winning the day.
Of course, this isn’t by accident or sheer luck. I’ve been campaigning hard in Iowa and New Hampshire for months.
And while I’ve never been given a fair shake by the national media, I’ve also understood that as people learn more about the records of my opponents – whether that’s Newt Gingrich or Herman Cain – it’s only a matter of time until they’re exposed as counterfeits.
That’s why my campaign’s strategy has always been to talk directly to good folks like you who truly care about the direction of our country and understand that you and I just can’t afford to continue “politics as usual.”
Unfortunately, as many voters are now finding out, “politics as usual” is really what every other “top-tier” Republican alternative to Mitt Romney besides me is all about.
For example, Herman Cain’s economic plan doesn’t cut spending or even pretend to. His answer is to simply ignore Washington, D.C.’s spending problem.
Instead, his “9-9-9” plan raises taxes on 84% of the American people.
Herman Cain has also supported TARP and publicly rejected the idea of eliminating federal agencies. He even went on radio mocking those supporting an Audit of the Federal Reserve – asking them to call up the Fed’s PR Department if they wanted information!
Of course, not long afterward, we found out the Federal Reserve made available 16 TRILLION in American taxpayer dollars during the last economic crisis – many of it to banks overseas!
And this isn’t worth looking into?
Sadly, Newt Gingrich’s record could even be worse.
Whether it’s calling for a health insurance mandate like that of both ObamaCare and RomneyCare or supporting “Cap and Tax” and the $700 BILLION TARP bailout, even standing next to Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich is hardly a conservative champion.
Just consider the estimated $1.6 million he was paid by Freddie Mac to help keep the housing bubble expanding even while I was warning Congress that this would lead to disaster for the American economy.
Considering the times we’re facing, nominating another counterfeit is the last thing we need.
As voters are finding out – despite the best efforts of the national media – I am the candidate who has the conservative message not only to win the presidency but to turn our country around.
During my entire time in Congress, I’ve been warning about the dangers of Big Government, out-of-control spending, and runaway inflation.
And I’m the only candidate to predict the current economic mess we’re in right now.
In 2003, I predicted the Housing crisis and pushed to get the government out of the mortgage business.
In 2008, I fought TARP and the Fed when they laid waste to our economy, while others in this race applauded their disastrous Big Government intervention.
And unlike my opponents and most people in Congress, I am absolutely ready to enact real spending cuts, right now.
In fact, my Plan to Restore America cuts $1 trillion in federal spending during the first year of my presidency by eliminating five federal departments that I can actually name – Education, Energy, Commerce, Housing and Urban Development, and Interior.
As President, I’ll balance the budget by year three without cutting one penny from our veterans, one penny from our senior citizens, or one penny from our national defense.
That’s what sets me apart – my plan, my record of being right while others were wrong, and my unmatched and unwavering record of fighting for fiscal responsibility and constitutional principles.
In a nutshell, it’s my conservatism that’s winning the day.
Once people learn about my support for the Second Amendment and the Right to Life, and my unmatched record on spending in Congress, they realize I am the true conservative alternative to Mitt Romney.
And when they learn that I’m a man of faith, a military veteran – having served five years in the Air Force during the turbulent 1960s – and that I’ve received more money from our active duty troops than all my Republican opponents COMBINED, they realize I’m the Republican to take on and DEFEAT President Obama in 2012.
Unlike my opponents, I’m not running from my voting record.
I’m not running from my public statements. I’m not running from my predictions.
I’m running on them.
And I’m asking for your support.
These are troubling times for our country – times that call for conservative leadership.
Counterfeits won’t cut it.
As I run for President, I want to make sure our Party keeps its strong commitment to limited constitutional government and free market solutions.
The only way to do that is to nominate someone in 2012 who predicted the economic crisis long before it happened. Someone who has conviction and has fought against Big Government in Washington his entire career.
And if you are so moved, I’d appreciate it if you would consider contributing to my Presidential campaign, as well. I don’t have big corporations or special interests behind my campaign.
But I do have hundreds of thousands of individuals who care about getting our economy moving in the right direction again.
Whatever you can do, $500, $250, $100, or even $50, will help.
Together, you and I can Restore America Now.
For Liberty,
Ron Paul
P.S. Considering the trouble our country is facing, we can’t afford to nominate a counterfeit conservative.
Now, a recent article by CBS rightly notes, “New poll shows 4-way tie in Iowa as Ron Paul moves to top tier.” And another poll in New Hampshire shows me clearly in second place.
I’m in this race to win it, and today I’m asking for your support.
If you believe our Party must nominate a true conservative, I hope I can count on your generous support.
From Senator Rand Paul, November 17, 2011
It’s working.
Your generosity during my dad’s money bombs… his campaign’s TV ads… The millions of pieces of direct mail that’s been sent to voters throughout the country …
The hard work of folks just like you on the campaign’s critical Phone From Home program… It’s all paying off.
Another poll in Iowa just came out confirming Ron Paul in second place – and within the margin of error of FIRST.
And in New Hampshire, he’s now solidly in second place – 6% ahead of his nearest opponent.
Despite the media’s best efforts, my dad’s campaign is now surging in key early states.
But with just over six weeks until the voters begin to go to the polls to select the Republican nominee, it’s crunch time for the campaign.
And two critical actions I will describe in just a moment could make the difference between defeat on election night – or an historic victory that would rock the Washington, D.C. political establishment like never before.
Can I count on you to help? I hope I can.
As he told you from the beginning, my dad is in this to WIN.
Of course, he knew he’d never get a big break in the national media like some of his opponents.
That’s should be no surprise. I’ve never met a single defender of constitutionally limited government who counts the establishment media as a friend!
So from the beginning, Ron Paul’s campaign’s strategy has been to bypass the media and bring his message straight to the voters.
But it’s one thing to put together a winning strategy on paper.
It’s quite another to be able to constantly depend on true Patriots like you to dig deep to pay for his constant campaigning, mail, email, TV ads, and all the rest.
My dad’s supporters are truly incredible. And all of his campaign’s success is only possible because of your support.
The great news is, thanks to your help, my dad’s message of liberty is resonating like never before.
After years of Big Government, big spending, “politics-as-usual” policies from BOTH parties, Americans are ready for a return to limited government, free markets, sound money, and individual liberty.
And they know Ron Paul is the only candidate who:
*** Predicted the current economic crisis years in advance and led the fight to prevent it – even as others running in this race were cheering on the disastrous government bailouts that have only dug us deeper into debt.
*** Possesses a consistent conservative record of standing up for the Constitution – even when it means voting alone.
*** Receives more donations from active duty military than all his Republican opponents combined!
*** Has a detailed plan to cut ONE TRILLION dollars from the federal budget in the first year of his presidency and deliver a fully balanced budget by year three.
Now, the only question is, can you and I keep up this surge?
Can we capitalize on it?
Can we truly shake the establishment to its core?
But only with your help. Here’s what you can do:
First, please contribute what you can right away.
Whether it’s $100, $50, $25, or even $5, every single dollar will help my dad’s campaign recruit more volunteers, reach millions of more voters, and ensure the success of their get-out-the-vote strategy on Election Day.
I know the campaign has asked a lot of his supporters already this year.
I also know these are tough times for every American.
But I also know that every dollar folks like you have given to my dad’s campaign thus far has been in the hopes that you and I would reach this moment.
So please help Ron Paul’s campaign capitalize on their surge.
Second, if you haven’t yet signed up for the campaign’s Phone From Home program, please click HERE to do so right away.
Next to contributing financially, there is absolutely nothing you can do to help Ron Paul more.
You can talk directly to voters in Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada from your own home and on your own time. It’s incredibly easy.
All you have to do is log in and read a script. You don’t even have to dial the phone numbers.
I can’t emphasize this enough: your contribution and your participation in the campaign’s Phone From Home program could very well make the difference on Election Night.
But most importantly, your action right now could make the difference for our country’s future.
That’s what my dad’s campaign is all about.
With your help, I’m confident we can Restore America Now.
For Liberty,
Rand Paul
P.S. My dad’s surge in the polls in Iowa has just been confirmed, and another poll in New Hampshire shows him clearly in second place – 6% ahead of his nearest opponent.
I’m counting on you to help Ron Paul capitalize on this momentum.
First, please donate whatever you are able right away.
Second, if you haven’t yet done so, please sign up for the Phone From Home program so you can help the campaign turn out the vote in Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada – all from the comfort of your own home.
If you’re willing to fight for Main Street America, click here to sign up for my free weekly email.