Do you remember the Liberals’ biggest complaints about George W. Bush? They were:
1) Bush spent too much of our tax money. Well, HELLO? Obama has increased the federal budget deficit and debt way beyond anything previously imaginable.
2) Bush had too many troops in harm’s way in the Middle-east. Well, HELLO? Obama not only hasn’t brought our men back from Iraq as promised in his campaign, but is now in the process of committing more soldiers to Afghanistan.
3) Bush tried to acquire too much power for a President, and many even referred to him as King George (even though he didn’t use his veto power). Well, HELLO? Our current President is trying to ram his programs (e.g., healthcare, cap-trade, etc.) down the throats of a public that doesn’t want them. He has also created a non-accountable “Cabinet of Czars” to help him run this country.
4) Bush gave an unnecessary and unfruitful handout (tax rebate) to low-medium income families. Well, HELLO? Obama plans to give Social Security recipients a handout because they didn’t get a cost-of-living increase this year, even though there is no inflation. Yet, retirees on private or government pensions (defined-benefit plans) have a guaranteed income, unlike now-ill-fated business owners.
5 )Bush had too many friends in industry (like Cheney’s Halliburton) that were reaping unjust rewards from the Government. Well, HELLO? Under Obama, we have witnessed more industries receiving handouts, and in greater amounts, than ever imaginable. The banking industry needed saving, but this has become absurd.
6) Bush used the 9/11 terrorist attacks as a way to gain popularity. Well, HELLO? Obama knows when the poll numbers are plummeting, there is nothing like a crisis to bring people around. So, why not create a few, like the global warming farce, health care, maybe Afghanistan and whatever will scare Americans? Public confidence is now lower than it was during the Great Depression. Thanks a lot!
7) Bush was a poor communicator. Well, HELLO? Even though Obama is a personable, excellent speaker himself, with good command of our language, he never explains what is really going on inside the White House and what his reform proposals will really entail. Plus, the other members of his crew, including his mumbling press people, sound insincere, uninformed or just devious.
8) Bush let the U.S. Dollar slide. Well, HELLO? Look at the drop in the Dollar since Obama became President! I’m sure a lower Dollar is part of Obama’s economic plan to encourage domestic spending. But, there will be a big price to pay in the future with horrible inflation, high interest rates and the disappearance of foreign governments as the financiers of our ballooning federal debt. That’s scary!