House Republicans this week stormed the House Intelligence hearing room on Wednesday to demand an open impeachment process. The political theatre was more of a PR stunt than a protest.
Impeaching 63 Million Voters?
House Republicans are right, however, about the disgrace of this closed-door impeachment, the WSJ notes.
This isn’t routine oversight of a bad presidential decision or reckless judgment. The self-described goal of Mr. Schiff’s hearings is to impeach and remove from office a President elected by 63 million Americans.
This requires more transparency and public scrutiny than Mr. Schiff’s unprecedented process of secret testimony, followed by selective leaks to the friendly media to put everything in the most anti-Trump light, in order to sway public opinion. If the evidence against Mr. Trump is so damning, then why not make it all public now so the American people can judge for themselves?
The Democrats new “bombshell” is testimony from State Department envoy to Ukraine William Taylor to the House Intelligence Committee.
Like Ransom Notes from Magazine Letter Cutouts
The problem with this narrative is that all we have to rely on is Mr. Taylor’s opening statement and leaks from Democrats.
What we don’t know is how Mr. Taylor responded to questions, or what he knew first-hand versus what he concluded on his own, because like all impeachment witnesses he testified in secret.
Take Their Word for It – Or Not
Chairman Adam Schiff, with the approval of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, refuses to release any witness transcripts.
Read more here.
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