Well, yes. Network news obsessed last week over the partial government shutdown, the Covington Catholic High School charade, and Mueller’s latest arrest.
Yet, as Victor Davis Hanson, points out, there is much more to the news than what you get from BuzzFeed or from other non-stories.
- The idea that China systematically rigged trade laws and engaged in technological espionage to run up huge deficits is no longer a Trump, or even a partisan, issue.
- The world did not fall apart after the U.S. (1) pulled out of the flawed Iran nuclear deal, (2) exited the symbolic but empty Paris Climate Accord, (3) moved its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
- The not-oft reported current economic renaissance is attributable to: tax cuts, massive deregulation, recalibration of trade policy, tax incentives to bring back offshore capital, and dramatic rises in oil and natural gas production.
- Millions of Americans are now back again working — especially minority youth — in a manner not seen in over a decade.
- Thanks to President Trump’s judicial nominations – uniformly conservative, mostly young, well qualified – the Supreme Court and federal judges will be far more conservative for a generation.
- Most Americans probably agree, illegal immigration, sanctuary cities and open borders should end and legal immigration should be reformed.
Taking the Boot off Private Enterprise
Furthermore, reports the WSJ, last Friday turned out to be a disappointing start to the weekend for much of the media and certain political classes.
The labor market turned in another gangbuster performance in January.
The recession may not be imminent after all, and more people are working and making more money.
The WSJ issues apologies to Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and the writers at Bloomberg for the good news.
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