During the presidential 2016 election, Democrats were told to rest easy: Hillary R. Clinton was a shoe-in for the White House. Going one step further, President Barack Obama assured everyone that America’s election could not be rigged, writes Roger Kimball in Spectator.
The Impossible Happened: Trump Won
… the entire Democratic establishment, aided by their press corps (CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, etc.) and the NeverTrump chihuahuas went to work to try to delegitimate the election with an eye on the distant holy grail, impeachment and removal from office.
Two Years of Success after Success
Donald Trump has been besieged by the albatross of pointless investigations from before he took office until the present moment. Nevertheless, he has persevered and achieved success after success in his first two years:
- Historically low unemployment
- Robust economic growth (Barack Obama declared it was impossible until it became actual, at which point he tried to take credit for it)
- Scores of stellar judicial appointments
- Two Supreme Court nominees confirmed
- Important inroads in rolling back the regulatory environment
- Rebuilding the military
- Asserting an America First trade and foreign policy
Desperation in the Air?
What does desperation smell like? It smells like House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, who is reprising his ‘Impeach Trump!’ act from 2017, this time with a gavel in his hand.
Prepping for a Mueller Bust
No one knows when Robert Mueller will deliver his report to Attorney General William Barr, and no one knows what portions, if any, General Barr will make public. But the hissing sound you have heard over the last several weeks is the air going out of Mueller’s Get Trump probe as story after story has been crafted to manage expectations down regarding ‘Individual 1,’ aka Donald J. Trump. Mueller bagged Paul Manafort for tax related issues a decade or more ago, and folks like Roger Stone and Michael Flynn for making the mistake of testifying before Congress (Stone) or talking to the FBI (Flynn).
But no one not named Bill Kristol now thinks that Mueller’s expensive, long-running entertainment will issue in any actionable charges against the President.
Americans Like Winning
On the campaign trail, Donald Trump said that, when he became president, Americans would embark on such a winning streak that they would get sick of winning.
Jerry Nadler’s Ridiculous, Malevolent Quest
President Trump has indeed given this country an extraordinary winning streak. But we’re not sick of it yet, not by a long shot. Which is one of the many reasons that Jerry Nadler appears ridiculous as well as malevolent. There he goes again, yapping about investigating everything that Donald Trump has ever done or thought about doing.
“But as in that old Arab proverb, the dogs are barking, but the caravan moves on.”
Read more from Roger Kimball here.
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