At, Karen Kwiatkowski explains that if government even considers the Ten Commandments, everyone knows what it thinks of the 8th-“Thou shalt not steal,”-and the 10th-“Thou shalt not covet.” The answer, explains Kwiatkowski, is that government doesn’t think of them at all. She writes:
Congressman Ron Paul’s famous desk sign said Don’t Steal. The Government Hates Competition.
Government theft is pervasive. Mission creep and interagency competition give us twice the government for quadruple the money. In 2001, the first Patriot Act was affirmed by a congress of men and women who did not, and could not, read the 132 pages that altered tens of thousands of pages of regulation. To fluff the urgency, US-manufactured anthrax spores were mailed to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy and Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle – both of whom had been standing in concerned opposition to the rushed, sweeping and anti-Constitutional nature of the proposed Patriot Act.
A new federal department was created overnight – the Department of Homeland Security. This new department “efficiently reorganized” 22 existing federal agencies under a new Homeland umbrella. In reality, most of the dissected agencies fought any loss of authority, and maintained much of their old functions and networks, even as the brand new “streamlined” department stood up.
A massive and robust state-centered ecosystem of narrative creation has since evolved. We get the message if we receive a government benefit of any kind, be it a taxpayer-subsidized school debt or education, or a piece of someone else’s productive energy in the form of welfare, retirement or subsidy checks. By virtue of our captive participation in the USDA and FDA food and drug systems – with billions of stolen funds used to ensure we purchase and consume certain products and chemicals – we understand the state narrative. If we participate in any forms of government-subsidized health care, or in any government-initiated war against people, nations, or ideologies, we have our orders.
You benefit from government, you are kept safe and warm by government, government is desperately needed to keep peace and prosperity, so stop effing asking questions. It’s the whole Jack Nicholson speech from A Few Good Men, where there are two options – serve the state, or barring that, graciously thank it for all that it does. The most satisfying part of that classic movie was when the truth-seeking upstart got the evil, lying government official to publicly admit what we all knew by then.
What we all know by now is that stealing what it can and coveting the rest is government theology. Like 300 million Mr. Tooheys, we might wonder what the state thinks of the 8th and 10th commandments? Why, it doesn’t think of them at all!
Read more here.
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