Ann Coulter clarifies the left’s strategy to flood America with immigrants. The left is very close to having a governing majority due entirely to immigration. She writes (abridged):
Now, they’re just running out the clock. Soon, we will have admitted so many immigrants that it will be too late to do anything.
The very reason the left loathes Trump is that he promised to stop their hostile takeover of our country
Obsessed with the Robert Mueller investigation, the president spends his days tweeting attacks on his attorney general, Jeff Sessions — the one member of Trump’s Cabinet making good on his campaign’s immigration promises.
It’s a win-win for the left. Either they drive Trump from office with an unending harassment campaign disguised as a legitimate investigation, or they keep him too distracted to thwart their plans to flood the country with foreigners.
The left doesn’t care about child rape or human trafficking. They just want an end to America and its infernal white people.
The whole border surge is a hoax, intended to overwhelm the system and get Democrats their last needed non-American voters.
Similarly, “diversity” is a luxury we can’t afford in a time of massive income inequality, stagnating wages and a raging heroin epidemic — with 90 percent of the heroin coming from Mexico.
Read more here.
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