In my conversations with you, you’re telling me the skiing out west is great. The liftlines, not so much. Turns out Covid’s a ski buddy. It’s not unusual to see chair, after chair, after chair, with one skier per chair, each from the same group, to social distance. Insane. At least the skiing’s good.
You’re telling me from Park City/Deer Valley up to Big Sky and Whitefish, MT, it’s good to be outside. I hear you. We ventured out to the slopes here on the east coast between Christmas and New Year’s and had to contend with Covid liftlines too. The skiing? A little dicey. One run from the top was littered with a mix of group lessons, families, and race teams attacking the slope as if they’d been locked inside for months.
OK, books I’ve been reading: How to Disappear, Hide Your A$$ET$ and Disappear, The Modern Identity Changer, and How to be Invisible. Notice a theme? You, no doubt, have been reading about and watching Bitcoin because you’re telling me all about it as if I live in a cave. I get it. When it comes to hiding assets, my takeaway? If they find ‘em, they’ll certainly become invisible—to you.
As for Bitcoin. I can talk about it at perhaps a high school level. In fact, high schoolers tell me how great it is. Talk is cheap, especially when you don’t have much to lose. There’s plenty of ways to buy Bitcoin without my help. On to the ammo shortage. Now that’s an investment.
Friends who self-load tell me that finding the right ingredients right now is tougher than ever. Here’s my tip of the day: Treat your ammo like gold. As a client tells me, if you need to site in a rifle, maybe do it with 15 rounds, not 30. Another idea: Try dry firing at home with some wall drills. Shooting is a perishable skill. Muscles are forgetful. Work on that muscle memory.
How is your island life going? Are you looking for a rural oasis upstate? Times a tickin’, especially when builders are harder to find than ammo. Do more with less. Learn about my favored tiny homes and the F.I.R.E lifestyle movement.
Unfortunately, disruptions are a part of life today. I’m seeing a restocking of emergency kits. Do you have at least 30-days of food for every family member in your household? How about canned Spam? Please make sure you do, sooner rather than later.
Action Line: You can’t survive without water. Here’s a link to my special report. It’s free, just put in your email address to access it. Pass it on to someone you care about. They’ll thank you for it later.
P.S. How I Make Cuban Coffee StoveTop Espresso Maker. Enjoy!
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.
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