Originally posted November 9, 2020.
What a weekend. In Newport, RI, American flags, angrily stuffed into coat closets four years ago, are flying proudly after the AP announced Biden as president-elect. Imagine the beady eyes behind the mask, cracking open the door looking to see if it’s “safe” outside, hanging the flag, and rushing back indoors.
Then you have mother-knows-best Rhode Island Gov. Raimondo. She’s doubling down on mask mandates, curfews (10:00 weeknights/10:30 weekends) as if the virus has a bedtime. She’s also warning against out of state travel for Thanksgiving. Leaving the state in tiny Rhode Island is like a trip to the grocery store in other states. No soup for you!
You can feel the blue state governors getting ready to push Uncle Joe. They’re getting ready to lock it all down. Institute a national mask and vaccine mandate, then take credit for victory in the spring when the China virus runs its course.
On Sunday, a 4.0 earthquake rattled southern New England. It was felt as far south as Long Island and up into southern New Hampshire. What else will 2020 bring us? Glad I had my supplies on hand—just in case—I hope you’re prepared for the unpredictable too.
Good news in New Hampshire’s state election: Republicans held the governor’s mansion and flipped the state legislature red. This opens the door to pro-growth legislation in the granite state. Topping my list is Right to Work and hammering away at collective bargaining.
Until then, it’s hard to overstate the accomplishments of President Trump in putting America back to work. He did everything he promised on the economy and then some. Americans are not meant to be stuck at home.
Millions voted for Trump’s Open for Business America. They will not go quietly into the night.
Action Line: Until 2022, has living in a red state ever been more attractive? Mask up America or else: This is the blue state way.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.
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