Originally posted November 4, 2020.
Joe Biden, the 47th vice president of the United States, was the featured guest for the Tom Johnson Lectureship at the LBJ Presidential Library on Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2017.
10/03/2017 LBJ Library photo by Jay GodwinContinuing manifest corruption
- Selling out U.S foreign Policy to our worst geo-political rivals to financially benefit his family
- Catastrophic public policy in energy
During the debates, Joe Biden boasted that his energy plan would rapidly eliminate fossil fuels. At the same time, he offered, his plan would “bring hundreds of thousands (or maybe it was millions) of new high paying green energy jobs,” recalls Francis Mention.
As of Wednesday morning after Election Day, The Manhattan Contrarian is hopeful his luck holds up: that he will no longer have to address the horrifying prospect of a Biden presidency.
If you go over to the Biden campaign’s web page for “A Clean Energy Revolution And Climate Justice,” you will find that the promise is for a “100% clean energy economy and net-zero emissions no later than 2050,” supposedly creating some 10 million new jobs in the process:
If executed strategically, our response to climate change can create more than 10 million well-paying jobs in the United States that will grow a stronger, more inclusive middle class. . . .
But wait a minute. The total number of jobs in the energy and energy efficiency sectors of the U.S. economy recently has been around 6.7 million, according to 2019 figures from the U.S. Energy & Employment Report. Adding 10 million jobs to these sectors would mean well more than doubling the number of workers, to produce essentially the same amount of energy. Wouldn’t this necessarily mean that the cost of the energy to consumers would inherently be well more than doubled?
Then, notes Mr. Menton, is the inevitable: In addition to the annual $389 billion of subsidies from the feds, energy that takes more than double the number of people to produce is going to cost consumers more than double to buy.
Believe it or not, in a highly detailed 383-page ZCAP Report, it never covers that subject.
Somehow, ZCAP leaves readers with the impression that “job creation” is the final measure of net economic benefit to the people. With “experts” like these from ZCAP, Mr. Menton can see how a dim bulb like Biden could easily lead 300+ million people over the economic cliff. “God help us.”