Last night’s OUTSTANDING debate performance by President Donald J. Trump spoke to suburban moms nervous that their daughters and their daughter’s-daughters might end up living in a van down by the river. “The Big Man,” Basement Biden, looked like a short-circuiting animatronic at Disney’s Hall of Presidents.
Moms across America are worried. President Trump understands this. He understands kids need to be in school, and he understands America needs to be open for business.
Basement Joe waves a mask in surrender to teachers unions that close schools—like this week in Boston—looking like he’s sucking on a lemon reacting to the truth that maybe union bosses don’t have the kids’ best interests in mind.
Moms working from home are at their breaking point. They cannot continue like this. They cannot satisfy business customers on ZOOM when their most important ones are zooming their lives away in the next room like zombies.
You cannot do two jobs at once. When the Trump economy was roaring, you got your work done, your kids had school, and at five, you were a family. Today you don’t know what the four of you are other than tired, frustrated, and angry at each other.
As her mom, you see your daughter trying to do it all. You try to help her, but you get in the way. With all the chaos, there is no time for you. Every minute of every day is just STRESS.
You see “The Big Guy,” and you know in your heart he has no clue about YOUR FAMILY’s struggles. Why am I falling in line like a mask-wearing lemming when no one understands how my family is malfunctioning?
What President Trump accomplished last night was to show he’s listening to you. You know this because of the way he acted. He knows the stakes are too high. He has no problem making an adjustment to his demeanor to help America.
Last night President Trump gave you a reason to get out and vote, especially if you’re tired of feeling like you’re living in an amusement park. You just want your family back.
Action Line: Your family is too important to be (Mickey) moused around with. Stick with me and we’ll find the way.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.