By Joshua Woroniecki @ Shuttterstock.com
At LewRockwell.com, Matthew J. L. Ehret explains that Joe Biden is still not 100% sure to be president, and that accusations exist of massive voter fraud that must be dealt with before anyone can claim victory. He writes (abridged):
It is an undeniable fact that the republic has entered one of the most dangerous crises of its short existence.
This is not only due to the disputed election results of November 3rd, but also to a multitude of other factors beyond American borders, including the global financial crisis which a certain pandemic has unleashed upon the world, and slide towards a major world war between great powers that has accelerated chaotically in recent years. M
As unpopular as it might be to state in polite society, as of this writing it is still impossible to state with 100% certainty that Joe Biden will in fact be inaugurated on January 20, 2021.
The simple reason for this is that verifiable evidence of vast partisan vote fraud tied to the highest echelons of British Intelligence have mount with every passing day with Dominion voting systems most recently accused of erasing 2.7 million Trump votes across the nation, and giving 220 000 pro-Trump votes given to Biden in Pennsylvania (along with hundreds of other vote counting anomalies and technology glitches across all major swing states).
By now most people reading this are aware (or should be aware) that the trans Atlantic financial system has been set to melt down under a $1.5 quadrillion derivatives time bomb being held together by a mix of wishful thinking, hyperinflationary money printing and vast unpayable securitized debts waiting to default.
It should also come as no surprise that the Great Reset Agenda designed to coordinate the “post-COVID world order” has nothing to do with any actual pandemic, and everything to do with imposing a new bankers’ dictatorship onto the nations of the earth. If you are uncertain about these claims.
I invite you to read my recent study “What the Great Reset Architects Don’t Want you to Know About Economics”.
By Matthew J.L. Ehret Strategic Culture
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