Washington Hall, Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia. By Bram Reusen @ Shutterstock.com
Jordan Davidson reports in The Federalist that professors at Washington and Lee University in Virginia are teaching a course on how to overthrow the government. The faculty there has also lobbied to remove Robert E. Lee’s name from the school’s, and some have even suggested removing Washington’s. Davidson writes:
A course description on the university website describes the “Writing Seminar” as a way to “place each student at the head of a popular revolutionary movement aiming to overthrow a sitting government and forge a better society.”
“How will you attain power? How will you communicate with the masses? How do you plan on improving the lives of the people? How will you deal with the past?” the course description asks.
Class material will primarily focus on Marxist and revolutionary figures such as Franz Fanon, Che Guevara, and Mahatma Gandhi to “explore examples of revolutionary thought and action from across the Global South.”
Students in the class are expected to “engage these texts by participating in a variety of writing exercises, such as producing a Manifesto, drafting a white paper that critically analyzes a particular issue, and writing a persuasive essay on rewriting history and confronting memory.”
The class is taught by an assistant professor of history at the university.
Washington and Lee University has recently welcomed other woke controversies on campus. In July, university faculty voted to remove the name of Robert E. Lee from the name of the university. One professor, however, wanted to take it a step further and proposed that the university also consider removing George Washington’s name as well.