At, Jon Rappoport explains why so many CEOs of public corporations bend to the will of the woke mob, and set corporate policy based on the direction of the radical wind of the day. He writes (abridged):
I’m reprinting this article I wrote in July, 2020. Before I do, here is an analogy.
Let’s say you own a company. You’re public, meaning you issue stock for sale.
Suddenly, the fake pandemic hits. The governor of the state issues restrictions, including lockdowns. You have to close your doors. You’re going to take a staggering financial hit.
Your first reaction? Anger. Seething anger. You’re determined to fight back. You call your lawyer to work out a plan.
“Wait a minute,” he says. “I have some bad news. Do you know who is now the majority shareholder of your company? Bill Gates. And he has voting rights. If you object to the lockdowns, he’ll roast you alive. You’ll be out on your ass…”.
Over the past 38 years working as a reporter, I’ve spoken with many medical people. Doctors, researchers, public health bureaucrats, business executives whose companies supply products to the medical industry, professors, etc.
In every case, these people completely and utterly support conventional medical reality. They are unshakable. A man like Fauci says jump and they jump. To do otherwise would be unthinkable.
As you read on, you’ll see why this is important….
The three men are Larry Fink, Joseph Hooley, and Mortimer Buckley.
Buckley is the CEO of the Vanguard Group. Hooley is the CEO of State Street. Fink is the CEO of BlackRock.
These three companies are titanic investment funds. Financial services companies.
We found that the Big Three, taken together, have become the largest shareholder in 40% of all publicly listed firms in the United States.”
If the CEO of a corporation whose main shareholder is The Big Three thinks about rebelling against the official COVID medical consensus…
And he knows that The Big Three bosses are heavily wired into the US medical complex…
That CEO has a HUGE reason to forget about being an old-time hard charger.
He has a reason to swallow his anger when he’s told to lock down and shut down.
He has a reason to knuckle under and play the game.
By Jon Rappoport
Jon Rappoport runs No More Fake News. The author of an explosive collection, The Matrix Revealed, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe.
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