From David French at the Dispatch:
Existing anti-CRT bills would ban teaching even some of the arguments of Martin Luther King. If you want to teach history, civics, and law more effectively, there are abundant examples of high quality curricula you can propose and enact rather than banning ideas.
In The Federalist, Spencer Lindquist writes:
President of the American Federation of Teachers Randi Weingarten took to Twitter to claim critical race theory, the idea that racism is systemically embedded in American institutions and culture, isn’t being taught in K-12 schools after the teachers union she leads had publicly bragged about the supposed benefits of teaching critical race theory.
“Critical Race Theory is not taught in K-12 schools,” Weingarten tweeted on July 6.
Weingarten then accused the right of “bullying teachers to try and keep them from teaching the truth.” In her argument, Weingarten tweeted that “critical race theory” is used by the “right’s culture warriors” to obscure the truth about “race, racism or discrimination.”
From Weingarten
We don’t teach critical race theory in grade school. We teach history.
Continues Mr. Lindquist:
Just weeks before, however, the American Federation of Teachers, the nation’s second-largest teachers union where Weingarten is the current president, boasted that “critical race theory allows educators to give our students the opportunity to understand the full breadth and depth of the American society.
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