B&L Office Furniture building burned down by Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters. By Aaron of L.A. Photography @ Shutterstock.com
At The American Spectator, Scot McKay sets the scene for what would become the night Kyle Rittenhouse was confronted by BLM/Antifa thugs and shot three of them in what might be the best-documented shooting in history. McKay writes:
When a police officer in Kenosha, Wisconsin, shot a 29-year-old black man named Jacob Blake after a rather bizarre incident in which Blake, a participant of some kind in a domestic dispute who was wanted in connection with another incident involving third-degree sexual assault, trespassing, and disorderly conduct, fought with police and then walked around the front of his car as he was being tased to no effect, and then reached into the driver’s side of the vehicle while a policeman attempted to restrain him by his shirt. At some point the incident escalated to Blake being shot seven times in the back.
A knife was found on the floor of the driver’s seat of the vehicle. It’s unclear whether it was there and Blake was reaching for it, or if he already had it and dropped it when he was shot.
The policemen involved are on administrative leave. But for two nights following the Blake incident, despite pleas from his family not to resort to violence, Kenosha erupted in rioting and looting. Entire city blocks have burned to the ground, and more than 30 local businesses in the once-peaceful town of 100,000 along Lake Michigan just north of the Illinois border have been destroyed.
By Tuesday night, armed groups of volunteers, who could be defined as militia or perhaps vigilantes, had congregated in Kenosha with a mission to protect those businesses surviving the first two nights of violence. One of them appeared to be a libertarian group whose message to the Antifa and Black Lives Matter “mostly peaceful” rioters was that if they wanted to torch government buildings or fight the police, they were indifferent; looting and burning private property, however, was not acceptable.
Learn more about BLM and the Marxist agenda to transform America in 2020 and burn the place down from Rudy Giuliani and Ron Paul. And read about how many Americans have been duped by the BLM movement and its terrorist leaders.
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