Last week, Joe Biden was howling about how on President Trump’s watch the murder rate is up 26% in U.S. cities this year. Which cities are those, one has to ask. Portland, Seattle, Chicago, NYC, Pittsburg?
Silence Is Violence
To conservatives, Republicans, Trump supporters, Andrew McCarthy in NRO has advice: Don’t even think about quietly supporting candidates the Left opposes. It turns out, “silence is violence,” and “your very existence equates to offensive speech.”
You need to get with the program that capitalism is white supremacy, private property is colonialist exploitation, noticing the criminal records of criminals is racism, and supporting the arrest of those criminals when they forcibly resist is police brutality.
Safe in Trump’s America?
In Joe Biden’s speech in Pittsburgh last week – “Are You Safe in Trump’s America?” – Biden claims that the upheaval instigated by Democratic supporters in Democrat-run cities lies at Donald Trump’s feet.
Fanning the Flames of Hate
Joe Biden raged at Trump’s supporters, calling them militias, supremacists, vigilantes. But Biden did not mention Marxist iconoclasts, the menacing Black Lives Matter activists, and Antifa arsonists “who are actually and quite deliberately tearing the country apart.”
Biden Blames Trump Deplorables
Exactly how are the Trump deplorables to blame? How are they instigating the violence that Biden now “unequivocally” condemns (after remaining largely mum, while his running mate, Senator Kamala Harris, was promoting a fund to bail out rioters)?
Rewriting the 1st Amendment
Mr. McCarthy explains how the Left is trying to codify a radical revision of the Fist Amendment, the Obama-Biden administration-backed U.N. Human Rights Council Resolution 16/18, or, as Andrew refers to it, the “heckler’s veto.”
Resolution 16/18 is a blatantly unconstitutional provision the Obama-Biden government pushed to support Islamist regimes. Ostensibly, it is about religious liberty. In reality, it is the Left’s template for speech suppression.
Lies from the 1619 Project
In the Soviet style, the Left sustains its program with a combination of fantasy, indoctrination, and suppression. American history, for example, becomes the 1619 Project — the republic as an enterprise to perpetuate slavery.
The Big Lie is cemented by Pulitzer prizes, K–12 curricula, and reparations bills; it is protected by attaching the smear of racism to naysayers who dare show that the project is farcical.
Learn more about BLM and the Marxist agenda to transform America in 2020 and burn the place down from Rudy Giuliani and Ron Paul. And read about how many Americans have been duped by the BLM movement and its terrorist leaders.