At the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, Karen Kwiatkowski explains that there is a solution “for the rescue and restoration of liberty in America.” She writes:
Solutions for the rescue and restoration of liberty in America are many and varied, but we are not planning for national cosmetic surgery or the odd knee replacement. The US – as a nation – is currently laid out in the triage tent, and the first priority is to stop the bleeding, and a very likely amputation of Washington, DC.
To stop the bleeding, apply pressure, stay calm, stay awake. This advice is for the patient, and those who will save her. In our case, that’s one and the same, all of us together.
Staying calm is a challenge. Staying awake, with eyes open, is painful. Each will need to find what works best for them – and no doubt prayer and fasting are going to come in handy here.
I’m more interested in how we apply pressure. Elections are how the state would like us to exert our opinion about how “it” is doing. We aren’t really allowed to change anything – but it is delicious how frightened the deep state is of a possible re-election of Donald Trump and his articulate hillbilly Vice President. Voting is fun, but it’s not a workable strategy for what is needed.
Read more here.
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