Living and Dying in 3/4 Time
It was pretty much a gut punch to hear that Florida’s favorite adopted son died of a rare, deadly form of skin cancer. Talk about making fierce mockery of Jimmy Buffet’s songs focusing on living in paradise, or at least the SE Florida of our dreams. Still, fans will recover and perhaps try harder: hats, no sun at noon, Astaxanthin? Bring ‘em on.
Cancer is an unruly beast. Yes, there are experimental “remedies,” none of which are green-lighted by the FDA, Boston hospitals, or MD Anderson (TX).
For example, in Steve Jobs’s bio, he wished he had attacked his pancreatic cancer sooner and more aggressively.
The job of cancer doctors is to save victims for sure, but as a patient, you are also a number, if not an experiment. On one hand, take everyone’s well-intentioned advice with a grain of salt. On the other, don’t hesitate to try anything that sounds even half sensible.
And keep this riddle in mind:
What is the difference between medicine and poison?
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