I have stocked up on Dr. Mercola’s recommendations. Watch the following interview and if you’re compelled to take action, like me, you can simply search walmart.com.
Watch the full interview here.
On his website, Mercola writes of Dr. Brownstein’s method (abridged):
Dr. David Brownstein, who has a clinic just outside of Detroit, has successfully treated over a hundred patients with what has become my favorite intervention for COVID-19 and other upper respiratory infections, namely nebulized hydrogen peroxide. He has published the results of his work in a study that you can download here.
Since I first wrote about it at the beginning of April 2020, I’ve received impressive testimonials of its effectiveness from friends and acquaintances who got severely ill and used it.
Brownstein is probably best known for his promotion of iodine and its supplementation. He was also an early adopter of vitamin D optimization and nebulized peroxide. He explains the background that led him to his current regimen:
“The history goes back about 28 years when I began practicing holistic medicine. Of course, we would see people with influenza and influenza-like illnesses every fall and winter, so I started searching for things that would help people’s immune systems …
We initially started using vitamin C and vitamin D. I started to check vitamin D levels in 1992. What I found was the vast majority of my patients, well over 90%, were deficient in vitamin D, and those who had more chronic issues and were sicker in general, they usually had lower levels of vitamin D …
Then I came across vitamin A. I originally read the research on how vitamin A helped third world countries when they had measles infections and helped … [patients] recover uneventfully if they had enough vitamin A, so I quickly added vitamin A to the regimen.
A few years later, I learned about iodine. Iodine has direct viricidal effects. It has immune system effects. It helps the white blood cells produce hydrogen peroxide to fight viral and bacterial infections, as well as thyroid effects. Iodine got added to the regimen, and so the original treatment of our patients was vitamins A, C, D and iodine at high doses for about four days.
What we found was our patients did not develop pneumonia, did not get hospitalized, did not die from flu and other influenza-like illnesses at anywhere near the rates that they should have when you looked at the published rates of problems with these illnesses.”
Hydrogen Peroxide and Ozone
While attending an oxidative medicine course, Brownstein learned about hydrogen peroxide. At that point, he and his staff started using nebulized hydrogen peroxide and intravenous (IV) hydrogen peroxide. That was back in the mid-1990s. So, he has been using nebulized peroxide clinically for 25 years now, which is longer than anyone I know of.
With each revision of his original protocol, patients seemed to fare better. Fast-forward another couple of years, at another medical course, he learned about the benefits of ozone.
“That was the latest addition to it. What we found over 28 years of using this therapy is that our patients did well. I never made a claim that this cured any influenza or influenza-like illness. What it does is it supports the immune system in multiple ways, and people get over it just like they’ve gotten over it for eons of time,” Brownstein says.
“If we didn’t get over these viral illnesses, we wouldn’t survive as a human species, so it certainly makes sense we’d want a strong immune system in place when we get exposed to these pathogenic organisms.
When COVID-19 came around … we were warned that we’re going to have millions of deaths, and this is going to be the biggest medical catastrophe in our lifetimes …
Everyone was on edge, and I had a meeting with my staff at the end of a work week. It was the last Thursday in February. And I told the staff that the first 28 years of our holistic practice was truly practice for this pandemic … And I said, ‘I think we’ve got this covered.’
I said, ‘I can’t guarantee anyone anything, but we’ve treated coronavirus in past years’ … Coronavirus is known to be part of the influenza-like illnesses … I don’t see any reason why this wouldn’t work for this illness as it has worked for the other viral/coronavirus illnesses that we’ve been treating.'”
107 Patients — One Hospitalization, Zero Deaths
Brownstein and the other physicians in his practice first started treating COVID patients in the middle of a Detroit winter under full social distancing and lockdown restrictions. As a result, he had to treat patients who were ill in a drive-through manner in his clinic parking lot. They’d stick their arm out their car window, and Brownstein and his colleagues would do an IV of hydrogen peroxide and vitamin C and intramuscular shots of ozone.
“I vividly remember the snow coming down on my face mask as I’m shaking my head like a dog in order to clear my face shield, trying to put the IV in,” he says. “At the end of the treatment, we would do ozone. We didn’t want to do IV ozone outside because the elements weren’t good, so we decided to do intramuscular ozone.
People who were sick, who couldn’t breathe, we’d meet them in the parking lot. At the end of the IVs, we’d open their car door and have them stick their rear end out the car door. We’d put ozone in each [butt] cheek and send them on their way.
We got them hooked up on a nebulizer too, nebulizing hydrogen peroxide and iodine. After they started the therapies, usually after the first nebulized treatment, their airways would open up, and they could breathe again. We ended up treating 107 patients that I wrote about in the published, peer-reviewed [paper]. We had one hospitalization, no ventilators, no deaths.”
The case report,1 “A Novel Approach to Treating COVID-19 Using Nutritional and Oxidative Therapies,” was published in Science, Public Health Policy, and The Law in July 2020. For a couple of months, Brownstein would post video interviews with his patients, in which they told their story.
He removed all of them after receiving a warning letter from the Federal Trade Commission, saying that because there’s no established prevention, treatment or cure for COVID-19, any mention thereof falls in violation of FTC law.
“In their first letter to me, they said, ‘Because there’s no human clinical studies documenting what you say works, you need to remove it.’ So, after we published the [case review], my lawyer wife sent the FTC a letter saying, ‘Here’s a published study. We’d like to put my study on my website without comment.’ And they said, ‘No, it’s not a randomized. We want a randomized controlled study.’
So, we felt like we had punched the ball into the end zone, and then they moved the goal post back 30 yards, but that’s where we stand right now with it. And we’re still treating patients with it. The study was on 107 patients. We’ve probably treated 10 more patients since then, still with good success.
I wrote in the article that the reason I didn’t do a randomized study was it’s unethical for me to withhold that treatment from people when I’m as certain as I can be that the therapy was going to work. There’s no way I could sleep at night if I was randomizing people to get the therapy, and others to not get the therapy.
COVID was a new illness. We had never seen it. Nobody had ever seen it. There were no randomized studies. There’s no reason to. Too many people were dying. We’ve already had over 100,000 deaths. It’s just tragic, and it’s really going to be a stain on medicine when the final autopsy is written on this.”
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.
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