Happy Monday from Your Survival Guy. Hope you had a great weekend. For us, it felt like Christmas came early on Friday when our kids visited home from school. Something tells me it wasn’t just because they “missed” us while we were in Paris. I’d like to think they did. They tell us they did. A part of me wants to think they wanted to spend quality time together. But I can imagine the texts between them:
“Not much…”
“Home? Bet M/D brought stuff home for us from Paris”
What’s hard about when your kids go away to school is that they come back to visit (that’s the good part mostly), and then they keep leaving you. It’s the saying goodbyes that are tough, and I hope they get easier, but I don’t think they will. When your whole life is centered around raising them, it’s tough when the upstairs bedrooms are empty—a constant reminder before bed.
But when they’re home, it’s like a short Christmas followed by a fire hose of “problems” and tasks (laundry) and simple questions that get eyes rolling, like: “How are your grades?” (I didn’t know it could be so offensive. Reality hits hard.)
Action Line: We’re in this together. That’s a good thing. Stay with me.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.
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