In 2006, Pat Buchanan cited researcher Heather Mac Donald of Manhattan Institute on fugitive felony warrants in Los Angeles. Here Pat writes about Donald Trump’s views on illegal immigration concluding, “Americans are fed up with words; they want action. Trump is moving in the polls because, whatever else he may be, he is a man of action.”
Pat writes:
What Trump has done, and Cruz sees it, is to have elevated the illegal immigration issue, taken a tough line, and is now attacking GOP rivals who have dithered or done nothing to deal with it.
Trump intends to exploit the illegal immigration issue, and the trade issue, where majorities of middle-class Americans oppose the elites. And he is going to ride them as far as he can in the Republican primaries.
In the coming debates, look for Trump to take the populist and popular side of them both. And for Cruz to stand by him on illegal immigration.
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