Yesterday the House of Representatives voted to repeal Obamacare, 245 to 189, a much larger majority (and a bipartisan majority at that) than the strictly party-line aye-votes that passed it in the first place. Harry Reid absolutely must bring the Obamacare repeal to the floor of the Senate. There are 24 Democratic Senators up for reelection in 2012 and each must be tested on his or her commitment to Obamacare.
Red state Democrats like Ben Nelson of Nebraska and Bill Nelson of Florida, Claire McCaskill of Missouri and Jim Webb of Virginia must all defend their continued support for Obamacare, even in the face of national outrage at its passing. The number one issue of the electoral races of 2010 was Obamacare, and there are still many senators who have not been tested on their votes for the bill. Defending increased spending, job killing, entitlement-creating legislation at a time when the country is suffering economically should not be easy for these senators. The Tea Party should bring out the big lumber against any senator that votes against repeal.
The problem for Democrats is that they are beholden to the special interest groups that fund their campaigns. Obamacare is, essentially, a gift-basket to the unions rewarding both public and private unions handsomely for their support of Democratic senators. But it isn’t right that an ever diminishing portion of the American electorate should continue to hold such power over such a large bloc of politicians.
Unions have destroyed the auto-industry and have a stranglehold on the American public-school system. As part of their legislative efforts this year, conservatives in the House should find time to explore a national Right to Work bill. In the spirit of Sam Adams, Patrick Henry, and Thomas Jefferson, Americans must be allowed to work, free of the monopolistic unions that dominate labor in many states.
For their part, Republicans must stay focused on delivering greater economic freedom to Americans. The Karl Rove-led neocon crowd is every bit as big a risk to the country as are George Soros, and his cohort. The neocon/military industrial complex crowd are adept at bleeding taxpayer funds into special interest projects on which they make money and the taxpayers of America get screwed. They use the same levers of power employed by the income redistributionists who send taxpayer money to favored constituencies of their own.
Some member of the new House should bring a bill that will clean up the place. In it should be term limits for congressmen and senators. There is no way the founders planned on having life-long congressional barnacles anchoring themselves in the halls of the Capitol. The founders didn’t put term limits in place because they assumed it would be self evident that no one would want to serve in Congress for much longer than one term. New Senator Rand Paul has spoken and written about term limits, and he and his father, Congressman Ron Paul have a firm grasp of where the country should be headed.
But anyone that doesn’t think that Sarah Palin is a huge factor in 2012 is simply not paying any attention. Palin trounced Oprah in a head to head interview ratings battle this week, and has the undying support of hordes of people around the country. To beat out Oprah is a big deal pure and simple. No reason to dig deep. No need for pondering or head scratching. No need for a new pile of steaming BS from the crack pot at the New York Times. Sarah Palin has huge drawing power and her power is gaining momentum despite what the Marxist crowd would have one believe. In my lifetime there has not been a more compelling public figure. Would I like to see Palin run for president or become president? More on this in my upcoming feature at
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