Gordon Brown Must Not Cling on to Power – Nile Gardiner, National Review
The people have spoken and Gordon Brown has lost his mandate to rule. Forming a coalition government with the Liberal Democrats would be an insult to the people. This is a taste of what’s to come in the U.S. elections in November, as people around the world are tired of progressive, top-down control governments like those run by Gordon Brown and Barack Obama. Look for an electoral landslide in Congress in November. – Dick Young
California One Step Closer to Suspending State Cap and Trade – Nan Swift, FreedomWorks.org
Companies are fleeing the tax-happy state of California after business-killing cap and trade laws were passed. This is a message anyone would think the Obama administration in Washington D.C. would be getting. – Dick Young
BREAKING: Navy SEAL McCabe Found Not Guilty – Michelle Oddis, Human Events
My congratulations to Mr. McCabe, and shame on the Obama administration for letting this farce of a trial go on in the first place. Anyone who has spent any time reading about the events in Iraq knows full well that putting our brave SEALs on trial is an abject travesty. It’s hard for me to believe that Americans can endure much more of the Obama fronted Radical Progressive Movement (RPM), that would blame America first. – Dick Young
Exclusive: Marco Rubio on U.S – Cuban Relations – John Gizzi, Human Events
Mr. Rubio is correct, the Cuban economy is failing because of a combination of inept leadership and socialism. Of course, America now suffers from the very same malaise, a fact the TEA Party movement is having great success in bringing to the attention of Americans of all stripes. As a Florida voter living in a heavily Cuban neighborhood, and a conservative, I am strong supporter of Marco Rubio. – Dick Young
The Gold Standard: The Case for Another Look – Sean Fieler and Jeffrey Bell, The Wall Street Journal
There is no way any government, especially a Marxist influenced one, is going to implement a gold standard. I’d like to see the Swiss adopt a gold standard. I don’t think there is any government out there except the Swiss that is disciplined enough to adopt a gold standard. When I was growing up near Cleveland, a Saturday matinee western was 10c, a Pepsi was 5c, popcorn was 10c and a pack of Topps baseball cards with that great white powdery pink gum was 5c. Today you’d pay $15 for the lot. So much for the dollar standard. Few investors understand the reverse compounding effect of inflation. My forecast for the US$ is bleak. Any investor who fails to figure in the nasty long-term effects of currency debasement is unlikely to survive financially in retirement. The Marxist influenced, Obama-fronted, RPM poses more risk to the dollar than did even the wretchedly inept Jimmy Carter. – Dick Young
In Wake of Oil Spill, BP Stock Looks Cheap – Brett Arends, The Wall Street Journal
The Greek Economy Explained – Review & Outlook, The Wall Street Journal
Why the AMA Wants to Muzzle Your Doctor – Hal Scherz, The Wall Street Journal
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