Commentary by Dick Young on Beck, Palin Tell Thousands to ‘Restore America’ by Amy Gardner, Krissah Thompson and Philip Rucker, The Washington Post
Glenn Beck drew hundreds of thousands of Tea Party patriots to Washington this weekend for a gigantic rally on the National Mall. This is the type of thing that makes radical progressives cringe. The Washington Post did its best to mar the rally by playing up the fact that it was held on the same day as Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream Speech” which took place at the same location. But the civil rights movement isn’t owned by anyone. All Americans should fight for civil rights. Libertarians have been doing so in the dark for ages with no appreciation. Al Sharpton certainly does not own the civil rights movement. All Americans, especially those who want to uphold the principles of the constitution, belong to the civil rights movement. Americans are thoroughly angry at how their government is being run. They’re showing up in numbers not seen since the 1960s and at frequent intervals too. For every protester that showed up at the rally, there were many more who couldn’t make it but wished they had. The Tea Party is showing its muscle across the nation in Alaska, Kentucky, Utah, Florida, and countless districts and cities. Don’t be surprised in November when real change comes to Washington D.C.
Commentary by E.J. Smith on Alinsky Wins at the SEC by the editors of The Wall Street Journal
In 1960 Saul Alinsky led a proxy campaign against Eastman Kodak. He referred to it as the single most important breakthrough in the revolutions of our times because, until then, no one had ever organized to use proxies for social and political purposes. What is Schapiro thinking? If these rules can be applied to big businesses what’s next, Mom and Pop? Imagine what it would feel like if you were forced to make room around the kitchen table for SEIU? How could they possibly know how to run your business?
Commentary by Dick Young on It’s Witch-Hunt Season by Paul Krugman, The New York Times
Paul Krugman, economist, has decided that he can diagnose the American political scene. In his mind, conservatives would have been upset about Barack Obama’s victory over John McCain even if the president’s name were Bill Johnson and he were 100% Caucasian instead of just 50%. Krugman does believe though that because Barack Obama has an “alien sounding name” and isn’t 100% Caucasian, that conservatives dislike him even more. In other words, Krugman believes that conservatives are ignorant racists. Now, rather than portraying the Tea Party as a rabble of unwashed back-woods racists, Krugman and his fellow liberal Jane Norton at the New Yorker, are trying to portray the Tea Party movement as a billionaire funded Astroturf (as opposed to grass-roots) movement funded to gain political power for corporate titans.
Commentary by Dick Young on Covert Operations by Jane Mayer, The New Yorker
It’s about time someone on the conservative end of the political spectrum with some money stepped in to counter the weight of radical progressive billionaire George Soros, not to mention the quasi political machinations of Warren Buffet and Bill Gates, and the wheeling and dealing of Ron Burkle. Major liberal-progressive funders have been working hard to place their friends in power in Washington for a long time. Soros’s and Center for American Progress were instrumental in putting Barack Obama in the White House. Billionaire money has saturated the left’s efforts.
Commentary by Dick Young on No Rules for Radicals by Daniel J. Flynn, Human Events
Saul Alinsky wanted democratic change as long as it changed things the way he wanted them changed. If not, he was more than willing to change them himself. That’s where Barack Obama has been tutored, the Saul Alinsky school.
Commentary by Timothy Jones on Joe Miller, RINO Killer by Robert Stacy McCain, The American Spectator
Robert Stacy McCain says the race is in the bag for Joe Miller and that the media mulling about whether or not he has won is just a safety tactic in case there is some chance the absentee ballots vote disproportionately for Sen. Lisa Murkowski. Joe Miller has become another Tea Party victory in a year that has been full of them. Let’s hope he and Rand Paul of Kentucky, and Mike Lee of Utah head to the Senate with a fire in their bellies to take on the liberals, RINOs and neocons.
Commentary by Dick Young on Will Solid Conservatives Run New Senate? by Brian Darling, Human Events
The Senate’s most conservative member, Jim DeMint of South Carolina, will surely be getting some backup in November’s elections. Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Joe Miller, Marco Rubio, possibly Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and others will be a strong conservative bloc in the Senate. They should use their power to tear down the socialist programs that have been implemented by Barack Obama and his radical administration.
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