Commentary by Dick Young on Can the Tea Party Deliver? by Pat Buchanan, Human Events
Here Pat Buchanan asks if the Tea Party can deliver. But he goes on to question whether the GOP can deliver. I have no doubt that the Tea Party can deliver on its quest to elect many self proclaimed conservatives to Congress. The Tea Party movement is very strong across the country as I have seen on my Harley rides. The Don’t Tread on Me flags are waving in every small town and village. The people are rabid for spending cuts and smaller government influence in their lives. The real question, as Pat finally gets to, is whether or not Republicans that have ridden the coattails of the Tea Party movement will have the guts to make the hard decisions once in office. I’d like to see an end to both wars in the Middle East, the repeal of No Child Left Behind, and the Department of Education for that matter. That’s the type of structural change Americans are looking for.
Commentary by Dick Young on Social Security Bait and Switch by the editors of The Wall Street Journal
Apparently in the Democratic political handbook it reads, “When all else fails, lie about Social Security.” And that’s exactly what the President and his surrogates in the White House and the unions are doing. They have created a mythical GOP plan to “privatize Social Security.” There hasn’t been any talk of this for years. A better idea would be to cut the pork barrel spending at home and the massive empire building around the world to pay back the money borrowed/stolen from the Social Security Trust Fund. This would go a long way toward shoring up the broken program; it might actually even be solvent after that. Congress needs to make these hard decisions.
Commentary by E.J. Smith on GOP Lead on Generic Ballot: The Highest Ever… Again! by Jim Geraghty, National Review
Americans have had enough of Reid, Pelosi and Obama’s radical experiments on everything from healthcare to the economy. The Gallup weekly tracking of 2010 congressional voting preferences of registered voters in the midterm generic ballot for Congress puts the GOP in the lead by 51%-41%. That’s the largest lead this year and in the history of the poll.
Commentary by Deborah Young on Obama Builds a Big Tent . . . for Conservatives by John Fund, The Wall Street Journal
Freedom loving Americans converged on Washington D.C. this past weekend. The Tea Partiers in attendance were fighting this administration to help Americans keep their freedoms. Anyone who doubts the Obama administration is out to control Americans should be reminded of the health care mandate, the first of its kind. Never before has the federal government forced Americans to buy something they may not necessarily want. This is Nanny State to the extreme and should be protested from coast to coast.
Commentary by Dick Young on Joe Sestak, $350K, Atheists, Ethics, And Wind Power by Thomas A. Shakely, National Review
Joe Sestak has been in one scandal after another. Luckily for Pennsylvanians they have a much better choice for Senate, Pat Toomey. Toomey is a serious conservative who will bring an avid debt and spending cutting attitude to the Senate on behalf of his constituents.
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