Commentary by Dick Young on Senator Concedes in Alaska’s GOP Race by Jim Carlton, The Wall Street Journal
Senator Lisa Murkowski conceded the Republican primary in Alaska to Joe Miller last night. That’s good news for Americans, because one more free market conservative is on his way to the Senate, barring a surprise win by Democrat Scott McAdams. The Tea Party is rolling onward, conquering big-spenders and establishment candidates all over the map.
Commentary by Dick Young on The Success of the Beck Rally by Jeffrey Lord, The American Spectator
The Glenn Beck rally was a huge success. Hundreds of thousands showed up. Americans are concerned about the direction of the country, and rightly so. Jeffrey Lord questions the message of Glenn Beck’s speech. Check it out here.
Commentary by E.J. Smith on ‘Systemic Risk’ Stonewall by the editors of The Wall Street Journal
You’ve got to be kidding me? Former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin and Billionaire Julian Robertson have a lot of heart wanting to bring back the estate tax as a first order of business for Congress this month. Let’s not forget Mr. Rubin was on Citigroup’s board for a decade leading up to its taxpayer bailout. Talk about asleep on the job. And billionaire Robertson won his $27 million tax case after he successfully argued his whereabouts on four days and avoided paying New York city taxes. The estate tax is just another big government revenue stream that will be avoided by the ultra wealthy with the money to pay for fancy schemes while the less “successful” families pick up the tab.
Commentary by Dick Young on Obama’s Speech by Jonah Goldberg, National Review
On the heals of the Glenn Beck ‘Restoring Honor’ speech, President Barack Obama has given a speech marking the end of combat operations in Iraq. I hardly believe that 50,000 troops still on the ground in Iraq is anything to celebrate. When will these troops come home? Will they come home at all? Or will they end up like the contingents in Germany, Japan and South Korea that never left once the wars were over? Below is Obama’s speech. Compare the tone to that of Glenn Beck above and ask yourself where America is heading under President Obama.
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